

单词 selfhood
释义 selfhood|ˈsɛlfhʊd|
[f. self n. + -hood.
Orig. representing G. selbheit, but rendering also ichheit, meinheit, and eigenheit (Jacob Behmen or Boehme, 1575–1624); see quots. 1649, etc. There is no evidence of the continuity of the word from the 17th cent., and it appears as a new formation in the middle of the 19th. Blake's use of the word, in ‘the Great Selfhood Satan’, Jerusalem (1804) 33, seems to be isolated.]
1. The quality by virtue of which one is oneself; personal individuality; ipseity; that which constitutes one's own self or individuality; (one's) self.
1649J. E[llistone] tr. Behmen's Ep. i. §23, I live to him & not to my selfehood [orig. Meinheit].Ibid. ii. §19, I cannot ascribe, or arrogate any thing unto my selfe, as if my selfehood [orig. Ichheit] were, or understood, any thing.Ibid. vi. §35 The Separator of the naturall selfe-hood [orig. Eigenheit] hath no true Ens.Ibid. x. §8 [A child's] naturall understanding of selfehood [orig. Selbheit].1682Howe Prayer from Name of God Wks. 1862 IV. 247 My single personality, ipseity, self-hood, call it what you will.
1858Bushnell Nat. & Supernat. ii. (1864) 57 Their glorious self-hood and immortal liberty.1869Contemp. Rev. XI. 250 To act, to originate action, there must be..something of selfhood—a self.1892W. S. Lilly Gt. Enigma 239 The perception of selfhood is the very fundamental interior fact of which I am conscious.
2. Oneself as the centre of one's life and action; hence, self-centredness; devotion to self, selfish life or conduct.
1649J. E[llistone] tr. Behmen's Ep. x. §2 Antichrist..acteth selfe-hood [orig. Eigenheit] and the lust of the flesh.1661Sparrow tr. Behmen's Rem. Wks., Apol. conc. Perf. 148, I wish that I yet might totally dye to self-hood.1683Tryon Way to Health 403 To destroy all the mischievous Works of Self-hood and the Devil.a1763Byrom Poet. Vers. Let. Behmen xiii, When the Soul has tasted of the Love,..Still in its Self-hood it wou'd seek to shine.
1860J. Young Prov. Reason 205 The..stubborn selfhood of men.1884Ch. Times 16 May 373/1 The destruction of self-hood and the entire indwelling of the Holy Ghost.
3. One's personality, one's personal interests or character.
1854Lady Lytton Behind the Scenes I. ii. i. 160 They had connexions, or money, which served as a pretty relief..to the mosaic of his self-hood.1867Lowell Among my Bks. Ser. i. Rousseau (1873) 377 Originality does not consist in a fidgety assertion of selfhood.1886Century Mag. XXXI. 440 In cultivating manhood we develop selfhood.




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