

单词 caption
释义 I. caption, n.|ˈkæpʃən|
Also 4 capcioun.
[ad. L. captiōn-em taking, f. capt- ppl. stem of capĕre to take. Cf. OF. capcion, -tion.]
1. a. Taking, catching, seizure, capture. now rare.
1382Wyclif 2 Peter ii. 12 Beestes, kyndeli in to capcioun [Vulg. in captionem], or takinge.1680Sess. Admir. 18 Feb. in Beawes Lex Mercat. 238 A caption in order to an adjudication.1689Treaty in Magens Insurances (1755) II. 471 Ships present at the Caption.1813Monthly Mag. XXXVI. 14 To handle is to exercise the instrument of caption.1886Pall Mall G. 3 June 16/1 (Advt.) Mineral water..an improved method of caption, by which dilution is avoided.
b. Law. Arrest or apprehension by judicial process. (esp. in Scotch law.)
1609Skene Reg. Maj. Table, 70 The forme of the breive of caption of ane debtour.1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. iii. (1636) 35 Letters of Caption sent forth against the said Prebend.1702J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. ii. iii. x. (1743) 434 The last step..is called a caption, which is a warrant to seize the debtor's person.1739Col. Rec. Penn. IV. 391 Y⊇ Day and Cause of his Caption and Detention.1829Scott Rob Roy Introd., Sentenced by letters of horning and caption.1837New Month. Mag. XLVII. 310 The caption of some of the most violent appeased the riot.
2. The action of cavilling or taking exception; an objection or cavil; fallacious or captious argument; a quibble, sophism. (L. captio.)
1605Bacon Adv. Learning ii. xiv. §6. 55 The degenerate and corrupt vse is for Caption and contradiction.1622–62Heylin Cosmogr. Introd. (1674) 2/1 Not to spend more time in answering so vain a Caption.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. 84 How causelesse is the Caption of the Papists at the Consecration of Matthew Parker.a1734North Lives I. 365 He..showing them the proclamation, asked if they could find any caption to be made upon it.1922Public Opinion 14 July 36/1 Genius like hers stands above envy and caption.
3. Law. ‘That part of a legal instrument, as a commission, indictment, etc., which shows where, when, and by what authority it is taken, found, or executed’ (Tomlins Law Dict. 1809). This appears to be short for ‘certificate or note of caption or taking’; and it is sometimes used for the ‘making or execution’ of this certificate.
1670Blount Law Dict. s.v. Caption (Captio), When a Commission is executed, and the Commissioners names subscribed to a Certificate, declaring when and where the Commission was executed, that is called the Caption.1790Dallas Amer. Law Rep. I. 131 The time from which they are bound: whether from the caption or from the inrolment of the recognizance.1818Cruise Digest V. 123 Unless the caption of such fine be before one of the justices or barons.1885J. Woodcock in Law Times LXXIX. 233/1 A customary tenant..must attend before the steward to be sworn to the caption.
The foregoing is sometimes explained as ‘the beginning or heading of a warrant, commission, or indictment’, whence comes
4. The heading of a chapter, section, or newspaper article (chiefly used in U.S.). Also used (orig. U.S.) for the title below an illustration; in cinematography and television, a sub-title. Also attrib. and Comb.
1789J. Madison Writ. (1904) V. 355 You will see in the caption of the address that we have pruned the ordinary stile of the degrading appendages of Excellency, Esqrs. &c.1821Massachusetts Spy 24 Oct. (Th.), [The statute] is under the caption of ‘Fees in the Secretary's office’.1848Bartlett Dict. Amer., Caption: This legal term is used in the newspapers where an Englishman would say title, head, or heading.1854N. & Q. Ser. i. IX. 245/1 [A review] having three works as the caption of the article.1865Grosart Palmer's Mem. Introd. 21 Prof. De Morgan..delighting the readers of the Athenæum with the treasures of his..reading, under the caption, ‘A Budget of Paradoxes’.1879G. B. Prescott Sp. Telephone 111 A short article..in..this journal under the caption ‘Galvanic Music’.1894H. Frederic Copperhead 83 Spreading eagles in front, over the printed captions.1919H. L. Wilson Ma Pettengill ii. 43 The caption says of Vida Sommers: ‘Her love has turned to hate.’1920Glasgow Herald 23 July 7 The Speaker said that this part of the bill—the caption, he believed was its proper title—was not submitted to the House.1923Yorkshire Post 17 Dec. 6/8 A continuous alternation of pictures and those pieces of text that are, one believes, known as captions.1924D. McCarthy Drama (1940) 360 It is true that the expression on a film actor's face may occasionally suggest that he, or she, is saying something worth hearing, but the audience cannot supply it from their imaginations; neither can ‘the caption’ writer.1936Punch 10 June 654/2 The film The Emperor's Candlesticks..is in German, and..those who do not know German..have to collect the sense through captions in our own tongue.1938[see cut n.2 36].1964T. Rattigan Heart to Heart in Coll. Plays III. 426 In on David. Super his caption.Ibid., Take out caption. Cue David.1968Listener 20 June 814/2, I have seen one of these pictures used in a Chinese magazine over the caption ‘US aggressor flees’.
II. caption, v.
[f. the n.]
trans. To provide with a caption, heading, or title; to entitle. Hence ˈcaptioning vbl. n.
1901Science 22 Nov. 808 An effective poem..captioned ‘The Song of the Innuit’.1912J. London Son of Sun vii. ii, It means the feathers of the sun. Thus does this base interloper caption himself.1927Observer 27 Nov. 14/5 [His] article captioned ‘Cecil Sharp’.1957Listener 12 Dec. 1001/2 The captioning sometimes strays awkwardly on to the picture.




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