

单词 serew
释义 seˈrew(e Farriery. Obs.
[a. F. suros, surot (13th c. souros), f. sur upon + os bone.]
A bony excrescence on the leg of a horse.
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §96 A serewe is an yll soraunce, and is lyke a splent, but it is a lyttell longer and more, and lyeth vppe to the knee on the inner syde. And some horses haue a throughe serewe on bothe sydes of the legge.1610Markham Maister-Peece ii. lxiv. 326 Of the Serew, or therrow Splent. Although diuers of our Farriers do distinguish..betwixt a serew and a splent, saying, that the serew is euer of the out-side of the leg, as the splent is of the inside; yet..the disease..is all of one. [Echoed by later writers.]




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