

单词 quantize
释义 quantize, v.|ˈkwɒntaɪz|
[f. quantum + -ize.]
1. trans. Physics. To apply quantum theory to; esp. to restrict the number of possible values of (a quantity) or states of (a physical entity or system) so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes that are integral multiples of a common factor.
1922Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1921 473 For the specific heats of gases..it is necessary to ‘quantise’ rotations instead of vibrations.1958New Scientist 27 Feb. 29/1 Yukawa had been very impressed by the success of quantum mechanics..in explaining phenomena connected with the ordinary electromagnetic field. Such a field can be ‘quantised’ into photons—discrete packets of light waves.1973Physics Bull. Nov. 656/2 This amplification of gravity produces a theory which cannot be quantized by standard methods, however.1975Nature 17 Apr. 560/2 The problem of quantising gravity is a pressing one if a unified theory of all the forces of nature is to be obtained.
2. trans. Telecommunications. To approximate (a signal varying continuously in amplitude) by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of discrete values.
1947Bell Syst. Techn. Jrnl. XXVI. 409 Over and above these effects,..the background noise which is present to a greater or lesser extent in all communication circuits, is quantized by the PCM system.1953Electronic Engin. XXV. 148/1 If the signal is sampled before being quantized, harmonics (including the first) of the pulse repetition frequency will be present.1953[see quantization b].1972Physics Bull. Jan. 44/1 In the new technique the signals from the eddy current probes are quantized by digital means.1977F. G. Stremler Introd. Communication Syst. vii. 356 Suppose..we wish to quantize one-half a cycle of a one-volt (peak) sinusoid using eight discrete levels.
3. transf. and fig.
1956Kenyon Rev. XVIII. 412 The sounds..are then quantized into their phonemes.1965Revue Internat. de la Documentation XXXII. 21/2 To do this it is necessary to quantize the texts by dividing them into convenient units.1969Language XLIV. 14 As Hoenigswald..remarked, ‘The doctrine of gradual phonetic change may turn out to be a remnant from pre-phonemic days,’ when the multi⁓dimensional continua of speech had not yet been successfully quantized.1974Sci. Amer. Dec. 132/2 Because curves can be coded to any desired precision by numbers, a symphony, like a painting or a poem, can be quantized and expressed by a number chain.
Hence ˈquantizing vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1923E. N. da C. Andrade Structure of Atom ix. 147 The principle laid down for the quantising of angular momentum gives mvr = nh/2π, where n is a whole number.1948Bell Syst. Techn. Jrnl. XXVII. 456 Since quantizing noise is uniformly distributed throughout the signal band, its interfering effect..is probably similar to that of thermal noise with the same mean power.1973Appl. Physics Lett. XXIII. 41/1 Because of the quantizing longitudinal magnetic field, the conduction band is split into Landau levels.1975D. G. Fink Electronics Engineers' Handbk. iv. 44 The process of quantizing is irreversible since regardless of how small the quantization level Q is taken to be, an unresolvable uncertainty of {pm}Q/2 is associated after quantizing with each amplitude value.




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