

单词 quarter-deck
释义 I. ˈquarter-deck, n. Naut.
a. Originally, a smaller deck situated above the half-deck (q.v.), covering about a quarter of the vessel. Obs.
b. In later use: That part of the upper or spar-deck which extends between the stern and after-mast, and is used as a promenade by the superior officers or cabin-passengers. Also transf.
1627Capt. Smith Seaman's Gram. ii. 6 The halfe Decke is from the maine mast to the steareage, and the quarter Decke from that to the Masters Cabin called the round house, wch is the vtmost of all.1667Denham Direct. Paint. i. 55 Each Captain from his Quarter-deck commands.1748Anson's Voy. i. iii. 29 Many of the principal Officers were on the quarter-deck, indulging in the freshness of the night air.1840R. H. Dana Bef. Mast xxiii. 67 The chief mate walking the quarter-deck, and keeping a general supervision.1884Pae Eustace 67 I'd have you to remember that you are not on the quarter-deck just now.1976National Trust Autumn 17/3 Still unchanged are the ‘quarter-deck’, a path laid so that the children could reach the river without getting muddy [etc.].
fig.1853Lytton My Novel i. x, Too old a sailor to think that the State..should admit Jack upon quarterdeck.
attrib.1712E. Cooke Voy. S. Sea 167 Each Ship is to answer the other with a Quarter-Deck Gun.1797Nelson in A. Duncan Life (1806) 42 A Spanish officer looked over the quarter-deck rail.1828P. Cunningham N.S. Wales (ed. 3) II. 299 When surgeon of a brig of war, my quarter-deck promenade was confined to eight paces.1840R. H. Dana Bef. Mast ix. 19 The quarter-deck dignity and eloquence of the captain.1850H. Melville White-Jacket xxiii. 117 See, White Jacket, all round they have shipped their quarter-deck faces again... I afterward learned that this was an old man-of-war's-man's phrase, expressive of the facility with which a sea-officer falls back upon all the severity of his dignity, after a temporary suspension of it.1893W. C. Russell Emigrant Ship I. iv. 53, I saluted him with a quarter-deck flourish.1927H. D. Capper Aft ― from Hawsehole p. xii, There are close upon three thousand naval officers of ‘hawsehole origin’..who are, or have been, performing fine quarter-deck service for their country.
Hence ˈquarter-decker, -deckish (see quots.).
1867Smyth Sailors' Word-bk., Quarter-Deckers, those officers more remarkable for etiquette than for a knowledge of seamanship.Ibid., Quarter-Deckish, punctilious, severe.1889A. Conan Doyle Micah Clarke 244 It's your blue-coated, gold-braided..quarter-deckers that talk of canes.
II. ˈquarter-deck, v.
[f. the n.]
intr. To walk up and down as on a quarter-deck. So ˈquarter-decking vbl. n.
1901E. F. Benson Luck of Vails xviii. 207 He continued quarter-decking about the room for a few times in silence.1913Mrs. H. Ward Coryston Family viii. 164 The quarter-decking began again; and Lester waited patiently on a slowly subsiding frenzy.1924Kipling Debits & Credits 87 There was Potiphar..quarter-decking serenely below the Pebble-ridge.1954‘M. Coles’ Not for Export i. 20 ‘This it is’, said Spelmann, swinging round at each turn of his quarter-decking..‘to work hard and be successful.’




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