

单词 shewel
释义 ˈshewel Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: α. 3 schawles, s(c)heules, shueles, 5 shewelys; β. 3, 7 sewell, 6 sewelle, sewel, shewelle, 9 shewell, 7–9 shewel. Also sewin2.
[Early ME. scheules, perh. repr. OE. *scīewels = MLG. schûwelse, MHG. schûsel (mod.G. scheusal), a derivative of the vb. which appears as OHG. sciuhen (MHG. schiuhen, schiuwen, mod.G. scheuen) to scare. Cf. shy v.]
A scarecrow. Also Hunting, something hung up or set up to keep a deer from entering a particular place, or from going in a particular direction. Also fig.
c1250Owl & Night. 1648 Þu seist þat gromes þe i-foð..an summe of þe schawles [v.r. scheules] makeþ.Ibid. 1128 Ac þu art shueles [v.r. sheules] suþe god.1286in Select Pleas Forest (Selden Soc.) 130 Intrare warennam cum rethibus et sewell' et capere volatilia.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 13889 A shewelys enarmyd in the ffeld..Wych ys but A ded ffygure.1535Layton in Lett. Suppress. Monast. (Camden) 71 Getheryng up part of the saide bowke leiffes..therwith to make him sewelles or blawnsherres to kepe the dere within the woode, therby to have the better cry with his howndes.1576Turberv. Venerie xxxvii. 98 Any thing that is hung vp, is called a Sewel. And those are vsed most commonly to amaze a Deare, and to make him refuse to passe wher they are hanged vp.a1586Sidney Arcadia iii. x. ⁋4 So are these bugbeares of opinions brought by great Clearkes into the world, to serve as shewelles to keepe them from those faults, whereto [etc.].1616Bullokar Eng. Expos., Sewell, a Paper, clout, or any thing hanged vp to keep a Deere from entring into a place.1661Feltham Resolves ii. lxv. 325 He knows both with what baites to incite them, and with what shewels to drive into the Net and Toyle.1688Holme Armoury ii. 187/1 Bleinchers, and Sewels, are papers and stick laid cross a Fox-hole, to fear him and make him believe some Gin is set there.1888Berks. Gloss., Shewell, a scarecrow.
Hence shewelling n., setting up shewels.
1576Turberv. Venerie, Terms 242 When they hang vppe any paper, clout, or other marke, then it is to be called Sewelling.1627J. Taylor (Water-P.) Armado D 2, Dewclawes and Dowlcets, drawing the Couerte, Blemishes, Sewelling, Auant-laye, Allaye, Relaye [etc.].1688Holme Armoury ii. 188/2 Sewels or S[e]welling, is the setting up of clouts or papers, or the like, for marks, and to fear Deer away from a place.1902Gamekeeper Dec. 65/1 Sewelling in a piece of cord with rags and feathers fixed at every six inches..at a reasonable distance in front of the guns will ensure good flying birds.




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