

单词 co-conscious
释义 co-ˈconscious, a. and n. Psychol.
[See co-.]
A. adj. Pertaining to the conjunction of experiences within a single consciousness; also applied to the knowledge which the Divine mind has of the conscious acts or states of all other beings.
B. n. A division of the subconscious. Hence co-ˈconsciously adv., in a co-conscious manner; co-ˈconsciousness, the state of being co-conscious.
1903W. James Let. 25 Feb. (1920) II. 184, I think that the indispensable hypothesis in a philosophy of pure experience is that of many kinds of other experience than ours, that the question co-consciousness/conscious synthesis (its conditions, etc.) becomes a most urgent question.1904― in Jrnl. Philos. Psychol. I. 536 The conjunctive relation that has given most trouble to philosophy is the co-conscious transition, so to call it, by which one experience passes into another when both belong to the same self.1906G. T. Ladd Philos. Relig. II. 141 Is there consciousness, or self-consciousness, anywhere in the wide world of things and selves..? In this consciousness, or self-consciousness, God is co-conscious.Ibid., The conception of the Divine Omniscience as a species of cognitive activity which is at one and the same time ‘Self-consciousness’, and ‘Other-consciousness’, in the form of an all-embracing co-consciousness, meets with its supreme psychological objection when it is applied to God's knowledge of the future.1909W. James Pluralistic Universe vi. 268 You can hear the vibration of an electric contact-maker, smell the ozone, see the sparks, and feel the thrill, co-consciously as it were or in one field of experience.1914M. Prince Unconscious i. 1, I divide the Subconscious into two parts, namely the Unconscious and the Coconscious.1920Discovery Nov. 338/2 The possibilities of co-consciousness, i.e. the coexistence of two or more such fragments [of the conscious] in the mind.1921Sidis Symptom. Psychopathic Dis. 77 Hypnoid states are co-existent, ‘co-conscious’ states and may develop into co-existent, ‘co-conscious’ personalities.1926W. McDougall Outline Abnormal Psychol. 308 Prince adduces very strong evidence in support of the view that..the bodily changes express an emotional train of thinking or recollection that goes on concurrently or co-consciously with the conscious activity of the subject.1948Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. 8 As the patient approaches normality the normal mechanism of co-conscious rather than conscious stimulation appears.1956A. J. Ayer Probl. Knowl. iv. 161 The abnormal cases in which people claim to remember the experiences of others; cases of alleged co-consciousness, or cases in which people profess to have ‘recaptured’ the experiences of the dead.




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