

单词 slag
释义 I. slag, n.1|slæg|
Also 6 slagge, 6–9 slagg.
[a. MLG. slagge (whence also Sw. slagg), = G. schlacke (also schlack), of obscure origin.]
1. A piece of refuse matter (see 2) separated from a metal in the process of smelting.
1552in P. H. Hore Wexford II. (1901) 236 At the furst melting of the after Gripple..was mad therof 288 lbs. of lead besids the slaggs and stones.1581in Trans. Jewish Hist. Soc. (1903) IV. 98 When it cometh to the smeltinge the copper cometh forth so easelie, without such quantitie of slagges or drosse.1668Phil. Trans. III. 771 They sometimes find Slaggs 3, 4, or 5 feet under ground, but such as they judge cast aside heretofore.1691Ray Coll. Words 177 The slags or cinders of the first smelting they beat small with great stamps.1787Wesley Wks. (1872) IV. 398 It [a chapel] is composed wholly of brazen slags.1832Babbage Econ. Manuf. xxiii. (ed. 3) 236 Others remain in the form of melted slags, floating on the surface of the iron.1869Daily News 30 Mar., Two hundred,..with bludgeons and iron slags, attacked the lecturer and the audience.
2. a. A vitreous substance, composed of earthy or refuse matter, which is separated from metals in the process of smelting, often used in the construction of roads; any similar product resulting from the fusion or distillation of other substances. (Cf. scoria 1.)
1620Patent Office Rec. (1858) 71 Which Slag, Scorious or Sinder is by our Founders at Furnaces wrought again and found to contain much Yron.1678Phil. Trans. XII. 1051 If the Stuff be hard to flux, they throw in some slag (which is the Recrement of Iron) to give it fusion.1763W. Lewis Phil. Comm. Arts 22 The metal and slag, melting and dropping down through the coals, are collected in the bottom.1778Pryce Min. Cornub. 274 The slag is skimmed or drawn off through the hole of the furnace.1803Phil. Trans. XCIII. 82 The emery was reduced to a dark gray or blackish slag, which occupied the upper part of the crucible.1862Miller Elem. Chem., Org. ix. (ed. 2) 644 The ashes of the peat melt and form a slag.1884C. G. W. Lock Workshop Rec. Ser. iii. 4/1 A small amount of calcined borax is added, which makes the slag more liquid.1951Sources of Road Aggregate in Gt. Brit. (Dept. Scientific & Industrial Research) (ed. 2) 4 Slags from smelting operations form a valuable source of roadstone in England and Wales... With one exception the slags are derived from iron smelters or steel works.1955I. D. Margary Roman Roads in Britain I. i. 15 In districts where iron was being worked the hard slag provided an almost ideal metalling [for Roman roads].1958Optima Mar. 14/1 At Maresfield Hempstead, near Benenden, and at Slinfold, Roman roads are partly constructed of slag, and large quantities of slag have since been used.
fig.1870Lowell Among my Books Ser. i. 295 All through his life..he never quite smelted his knowledge clear from some slag of learning.1878E. Jenkins Haverholme 2 The hard slag of a cold, sagacious cynicism.
b. With specific epithets, as basic, grey, sharp.
1811Farey Derbyshire I. 389 This tapped or white [lead] Slag..received the name of Macaroni Slag.a1876W. H. Greenwood Man. Metall. II. 37 From the sharp edges of the fractured fragments it [metal slag] is sometimes called sharp slag.1881Raymond Mining Gloss., Gray slag, the slag from the Flintshire lead furnace. It is rich in lead.1888[see basic a. 2 d].1889A. B. Griffiths Manures & Uses 101 Finely ground basic slag must be considered an important fertilizer for wheat crops.1937Nature 20 Feb. 318/2 The Industrial Research Council of the British Iron and Steel Federation will show..the applications of foamed slag as an aggregate for lightweight concrete.c1957Story of Slag (Brit. Slag Federation) 16 (caption) Airfield, showing main runway coated with three-quarter inch graded bituminous slag.Ibid. 17 Dry slag makes excellent rail track ballast.Ibid. 18 Dry slag is used by many local authorities as filter-bed media.Ibid. 21 Foamed slag building blocks used in construction of houses at Gateshead and Middlesbrough.1971Arable Farmer Feb. 69/2 Dressings of basic slag, potassic basic slag or PK compound fertiliser at the beginning and near the end of the ley break should prove sufficient to carry three successive corn crops.
3. Geol. A rough clinker-like lump of lava (see quot. 1879); lava in this form. (Cf. scoria 2.)
1777Forster Voy. round World II. 307 Easter Island..produces..vegetables and useful roots, without any other soil than slags, cinders, and pumice-stones.1789E. Darwin Bot. Gard. I. 103 Break into clays the soft volcanic slaggs.1857Ld. Dufferin Lett. High Lat. (ed. 3) 106 Bare cinder⁓like hills, that rose round..in a hundred uncouth peaks of ash and slag.1879Encycl. Brit. X. 243 When the ejected fragment of lava has a rough irregular form, and a porous structure like the clinker of an iron-furnace, it is known as a slag.
4. local. (See quots.)
1828Carr Craven Gloss., Slag, the cinder of a bad, spurious, kind of coal.1883Gresley Gloss. Coal-m. 225 Slag,..a thin bed or band of coal mixed with lime and iron pyrites.1891Labour Commission Gloss., Small coal,..the duff, slag, or waste, which arises from the sorting of the large coal into nuts.
5. slang.
a. A worthless or insignificant person (freq. used as a term of contempt): spec. (a) a coward; (b) a rough or brutal person; (c) any objectionable or contemptible person; (d) a vagrant or a petty criminal; also, such persons collectively; (e) (the most usual sense) a prostitute or promiscuous woman; a slattern.
(a)1788Grose Dict. Vulgar Tongue (ed. 2), Slag, a slack-mettled fellow, one not ready to resent an affront.1958F. Norman Bang to Rights ii. 62 You'v got the guts of a slag.
(b)1934P. Allingham Cheapjack xix. 237 The Newcastle ‘slag’ is the sort of man who makes up the personnel of the race-gangs, and..he will pick a fight with anyone.1961New Statesman 14 Apr. 576/2 As the underworld put it, ‘he steamed in like a slag and roughed them up as he topped them.’
(c)1943W. Buchanan-Taylor Shake It Again xxi. 199 It seemed slaggy to me. (A slag is a person who is not much bottle—not much good;..for whom you have no respect or time.)1958M. Pugh Wilderness of Monkeys 89 Sit down..you slag.1962Parker & Allerton Courage of his Convictions iv. 159 When I got out there was some slag on the door, all gold braid and nose in the air, wouldn't let me in!1981Daily Tel. 8 July 3/1 As sentence was announced, the dead boy's father..shouted: ‘I hope you rot in it, you slag.’
(d)1955P. Wildeblood Against Law iii. 120 Several different kinds of burglars..the rank amateurs or ‘slags’ who had stolen paltry sums.1962R. Cook Crust on its Uppers iii. 43 Marchmare lent it to this hatful of slag.1962D. Warner Death of Bogey i. ii. 14 In my day, the strong-arm boys were slags. Nobody in the big-time would look at 'em.1963T. & P. Morris Pentonville xi. 227 Pentonville also contains at any given time a number of vagrants, drunks and similar social derelicts... Prison argot classifies them all as slags.1968J. Lock Lady Policeman xii. 108 Only prostitutes, their friends, layabouts, tom watchers, petty criminals and the like are left—‘the slag’ we call them.1970P. Laurie Scotland Yard vi. 141, I could get them up the nick and take their prints with ink, but that's really for slag.
(e)1958N.Z. Listener 10 Oct. 6/3 A ‘slag’ is a white girl who lives with or is friendly with coloured people of either sex.1959Anon. Streetwalker iv. 87 It's my pride he hurts, with his little slags.1966New Statesman 23 Dec. 934/2 You have to wear glasses these days if you don't want to be called a slag.1970‘D. Craig’ Young Men may Die x. 72 Does anyone care what happens to a slag?1973J. Seabrook Loneliness 185, I went out with a girl called Angie, who was really a bit of a slag.
b. Worthless matter, rubbish; nonsense.
1948V. Palmer Golconda v. 35 ‘Listen,’ he said... ‘There's some men in every camp will get a kick out of throwing dirt. Who's been filling you up with slag about me? That old crank up on the mountain, was it?’1970New Yorker 12 Sept. 32/3 It is very depressing to think about the wonderful..letters people used to get..and then look at the slag on one's desk.
6. attrib.
a. In sense ‘consisting or composed of slag’, as slag-bed, slag-brick, slag-cement, slag-dump, slag-heap (also fig.), slag inclusion, slag-mound, slag-tip, slag wool, etc.
1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 385 The workmen clean up the *slag-bed and tend to the fire.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2198/1 *Slag-brick.1879H. Reid Nat. & Art. Concrete (new ed.) 123 An hospital..was built..of these slag bricks.
1884C. G. W. Lock Workshop Rec. Ser. iii. 436/2 The *slag-cement undergoes a similar change to that..in Portland or Roman cements.
1923Kipling Irish Guards in Gt. War I. 109 It was a jagged, scarred and mutilated sweep of mining-villages, factories, quarries, *slag-dumps, pit-heads, chalk-pits and railway embankments.1974Times 11 Jan. 16/6 Various stages of iron-working are represented by ore-roasting areas, three slag dumps, 36 smelting furnaces [etc.].
1880Sir E. Beckett Book on Building (ed. 2) 220 That new *slag-felt which I mentioned.
1884C. G. W. Lock Workshop Rec. Ser. iii. 431/2 *Slag-glass, owing to its toughness, is specially suitable for manufacturing into tiles,..slates, &c.
1917A. G. Empey Over Top 308 *Slag heap, a pile of rubbish, tin cans, etc.1931C. Day Lewis From Feathers to Iron xxix. 54 Wherever radiance from ashes arises—Willow⁓herb glowing on abandoned slagheaps.1963Times 24 Jan. 6/2 It was not enough to put one or two council houses near the slag heaps.1974F. Warner Meeting Ends ii. ii. 39 What a bore the slagheap of matrimony!
1913*Slag inclusion [see inclusion 2].1934Jrnl. R. Aeronaut. Soc. XXXVIII. 249 Thirteen micro-photographs show forms of slag inclusion and distortion of films in butt welding.1945Greaves & Wrighton Practical Microsc. Metallogr. vi. 96 Of commercial wrought irons, Swedish Bar Iron is most free from slag inclusions.
1955J. R. R. Tolkien Return of King 374 Frodo reaches the *slag-mounds.
1841Hartshorne Salop. Antiq. Gloss., *Slagg pigs, flat pigs of lead of a smaller size and inferior quality to the common ones.
1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XII. 142/2 *Slag-sand or ashes... This is thrown out from volcanoes in form of..grains.1884C. G. W. Lock Workshop Rec. Ser. ii. 433/1 The united action..scatters, as it were, the molten slag in the water into the material called slag-sand.
Ibid. 432/2 When perfectly cold, it is tipped from the waggons, and falls into small-sized pieces, called ‘*slag-shingle’.
1960C. Day Lewis Buried Day vii. 130 The prevailing wind brought the acrid smell of *slag-tips from the Mansfield collieries.
1862Kingsley in Macm. Mag. Aug. 275 Plodding along the dusty road, between black *slag walls.
1878J. Deby Rep. Iron & Steel Industries Foreign Countries II. i. 13 The manufacture of blast furnace *slag wool has recently been established commercially for the first time in America.1884Health Exhib. Catal. 83/2 ‘Silicate Cotton’, or ‘Slag Wool’, a pure mineral fibre manufactured from blast furnace slag.1979Nature 19 July 183/2 The fibres are produced from glass, rock, slag and metallic oxides and include fibreglass and rock and slag wools which are widely used for home insulation as a substitute for asbestos.
b. In other uses, as slag-car, slag-furnace, etc. slag notch, a hole in a furnace, above the level of the molten metal, which can be unstopped to let out slag.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2198/1 Slag-car, a wrought-iron car..used to contain and carry off the slag of a furnace.Ibid., Slag furnace.Ibid., The slag-pots are of cast-iron.1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Min. 269, 14 inches from tuyeres to slag-tap.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 99 The slag being drawn off..by a channel-way into the slag-waggons.1895E. L. Rhead Metallurgy 96 In the top of the dam is a groove, the ‘slag-notch’, through which the slags flow continuously, after reaching that level, and through which the blast blows to keep it clear.1929W. Lister Practical Steelmaking xxxviii. 392 A ‘Dewhurst’ ladle can stand under the middle door in order to catch the slag running over the slag notch.
7. Comb., as slag-burner, etc.; slag-molten adj.
1582Stanyhurst æneis iii. (Arb.) 89 Stoans hudge slag molten he rowseth.1782Phil. Trans. LXXII. 320 A Hessian crucible..melted into a slag-like substance.1881Census Instr. (1885) 164/2 Slag-burner, -felter, -tipper [etc.].
II. slag, n.2 Obs. Criminals' slang.|slæg|
[Prob. f. slang n.4, under influence of slag n.1]
= slang n.4 1.
1857‘Ducange Anglicus’ Vulgar Tongue 19 Slag, n. Chain, a gold or silver one.1926Clues Nov. 159/1 Then we'll take the hot hoops and slags up to the block dealers.1929Detective Fiction Weekly 2 Mar. 694/2 One ‘nips the slag’ when one cuts the watch chain, a practice practically defunct now.
III. slag, a. rare.
[Of obscure origin: cf. MLG. schlagge rainy or dirty weather, Sw. slagg sleet, Norw. slagg slaver, and see the Eng. Dial. Dict. s.v. Slag(g adj.]
Slippery with mud; muddy.
c1440Promp. Parv. 458/1 Slag, or fowle wey,..lubricus, lutosus, limosus.
IV. slag, v.|slæg|
[f. slag n.1]
1. trans. To free (ore) from slag; to convert into slag; to scorify.
1882U.S. Rep. Prec. Met. 580 The ore must first be slagged.Ibid., A cord of wood will slag several tons of ore.
2. intr. To form into a slag; to become a slag-like mass.
1891in Cent. Dict.
3. trans. To abuse or denigrate (a person); to criticize, insult. Also with off. slang.
1971J. Mandelkau Buttons v. 75 He was doing a good job of bad mouthing and slagging me to a number of the Angels.1972Guardian 17 Aug. 1/1 Mr Jack Jones, general secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union, was ‘slagged off’—in dockland jargon—several times during the day. A gang of furious dockers invaded his press conference.1974G. F. Newman Price v. 156 She always put out warnings, invariably slagging Terry.1976E. Dunphy Only a Game? v. 150 When the game starts, if things start going wrong, everyone blames them. Everyone slags them off.1978Broadcast 29 May 2/2 There's been a growing tendency for some sales organisations to slag the [television] company which used to be..the brand leader in British sales.1981Daily Tel. 25 Feb. 17/6 He followed me down the street, slagging me off.
Hence (or from the n.) slagged ppl. a.; ˈslagging vbl. n. Also ˈslagger n.
1824McCulloch Highlands Scot. I. 285 The walls are more or less perfectly slagged or scorified.1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 317 A hearth for slagging purposes.1892Labour Commission Gloss., Slagger, those in the blast furnace industry who attend to the slag as it is run down the trough... Their work is called slagging.1971News-Advocate (Barbados) 20 Mar. 9/6 You get so much slagging of bands nowadays.1977Zigzag Aug. 20/3 The gig met with quite a bit of slagging in the rock press.




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