

单词 commissariat
释义 commissariat|kɒmɪˈsɛərɪət|
Also -ot.
[In I. a. F. commissariat, repr. med.L. type *commissāriāt-us, f. commissāri-us commissary: see -ate1 1. In II. formed on another sense of commissary; this use being app. peculiar to English.]
I. In Scotch Law.
1. A commissary court; the office or jurisdiction of a commissary; the district over which the jurisdiction of the commissary extends.
1609Sc. Acts 20th Parl. Jas. VI, c. vi. (1611) 32 Ovr Soveraigne Lord..hes..restored and redintegrate the Archbishops and Bishops..to their former authoritie..and speciallie to the jurisdiction of Commissariates.Ibid. 33 Prejudiciall to the heritable right of the Commissariate within the bounds of Argyle, perteining to Archbald now Earle of Argyle.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (1842) 30 Hamilton..had gotten a judicatorie of commissariot.1708J. Chamberlayne St. Gt. Brit. ii. ii. vi. (1743) 394 Here [in Scotland] are likewise courts, called the commissariot, answerable to those of the English diocesan chancellors.1862Chambers' Cycl., The inferior commissariats..had been abolished by a previous statute, each county being erected into a separate commissariat, of which the sheriff is commissary.1883Illust. Lond. News 24 Feb., The Scotch confirmation, under seal of the Commissariot of Haddington, of the will of the Earl of Wemyss and March.
II. In military use.
2. That department of the military service which is charged with the duty of providing food and other supplies for the army.
1779T. Jefferson Corr. Wks. 1859 I. 216 Wagonage, indeed, seems to the commissariat an article not worth economising.1808Wellington in Gurw. Disp. IV. 21 The horses of the Commissariat will be at Cork on Tuesday and Wednesday.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. III. 427 The bad provisions furnished by the Commissariat.1876J. H. Newman Hist. Sk. I. i. i. 6 It is commonly said, that a well-managed commissariat is a chief condition of victory.
3. transf. of any non-military department or organization for the supply of provisions.
1812Southey in Q. Rev. VIII. 341 There is no commissariat for supplying London.1856Kane Arct. Expl. I. vi. 56 [It] has prevented our rifles from contributing any material aid to our commissariat.1881Daily Tel. 23 Feb., A street commissariat of great magnitude and importance may arise.
4. Supply of provisions, food-supply.
1861Swinhoe N. China Camp. 177 The greater part of the evening was spent in arranging for the morrow's commissariat.1870Emerson Soc. & Solit., Courage Wks. (Bohn) III. 112 The meal and water that are the commissariat of the forlorn hope..are sacred as the Holy Grail.
5. attrib. (esp. used as in commissariat beef, commissariat rum, commissariat boots, etc., i.e. those supplied by the army commissariat.)
1858Froude Hist. Eng. IV. 287 The commissariat and transport services.1863H. Cox Instit. iii. viii. 710 The Commissariat Officers were subject to the..supervision of the Treasury.1869Rawlinson Anc. Hist. 96 Excellent commissariat arrangements.
III. [tr. Russ. komissariát.] In the U.S.S.R., a government department. (In 1946 the title was replaced by ‘Ministry’.)
1918[see commissar 2].1919C. E. B. Facts about Bolsheviks 7 [The] Central Executive Committee..elects and works with the ‘People's Commissaries’ in a score of ‘Commissariats’ or Ministries.1920Goode Bolshevism at Work 28 He..is at the head of a very important Commissariat, that dealing with industries.1922E. & C. Paul tr. Buharin & Preobrazhensky's ABC of Communism vi. 182 The Central Executive Committee exercises at one and the same time legislative and executive functions... Its departments are known as the People's Commissariats, and its members work in these commissariats.1952Economist 15 Nov. 459/2 Ministries—as the Commissariats were renamed in 1946—were set up for every major branch of economic activity.
Hence commiˈssariat v. nonce-wd., to look after the commissariat of an army.
1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. IX. xxi. ii. 260 You were with the Allied Army, commissariating and the like.




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