

单词 commodious
释义 commodious, a.|kəˈməʊdɪəs|
Also 5–6 -iouse, -yous(e, 6 -ius.
[ad. F. commodieux, -euse (15th c. in Godef.), med.L. commodiōs-us (Du Cange), an irregular formation on L. commodum convenient, a convenience, as if there had been a L. *commodia, like perfidia, etc. Cf. L. perfidus, perfidiosus, F. perfide, Eng. perfidious.]
1. Advantageous, beneficial, profitable, of use.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. ii. 149 Lande argillose..Ys commodiouse.1523Act 14 & 15 Hen. VIII, c. 3 Worstedes, saies, and stamins..bene right acceptable and commodious marchaundises.1547Boorde Introd. Knowl. 139 There [in Shetland] is nothing the whyche is commodious nor pleasaunt, except fyshe.1591W. Clowes Treat. Lues Venerea (1637) 206 A very commodious plaister devised by Master John Hall.1751Johnson Rambler No. 155 ⁋3 When a position teems..with commodious consequences.
b. Const. to (unto), for.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. xii. 177 The pyne unto all thing under sowe Is commodious.1532–3Act 24 Hen. VIII, c. 9 A good..ordinance..right commodious for the publike weale of this realme.c1534tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden Soc.) I. 20 Drincke bothe commodius and pleasaunt to them which are accustomed thereunto.1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. (1586) i. 33 A Pulse..that is most commodious for man and beast.1610J. Guillim Heraldry iii. ii. (1660) 101 Very necessary and commodious to be inserted in this place.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. i. iv. 14 No way commodious unto us.1748Hartley Observ. Man i. iv. §455 Virtues which are most commodious to ourselves and others.
2. Convenient, serviceable, handy. arch.
1549(Mar.) Bk. Com. Prayer Pref., An ordre for praier..more profitable and commodious, then that whiche of late was vsed..more commodious..for that the rules be fewe & easy.1570Dee Math. Pref. 5 For spede and more commodious calculation.1664Power Exp. Philos. ii. 137 His commodious Solution of Difficulties.1750Johnson Rambler No. 2 ⁋1 This practice is a commodious subject of raillery to the gay.1781L.P., Pope Wks. IV. 23 An edition equally cheap and more commodious.1824Dibdin Libr. Comp. p. i, A work..commodious in form.
b. Const. for (to, obs.).
c1560Ingelend Disob. Child in Hazl. Dodsley II. 271, I cannot invent A way more commodious to my judgment.1684R. Waller Nat. Exper., Quick-silver..is much more commodious for the Experiment.1703Moxon Mech. Exerc. 208 This Tool is most commodious to serve you.1725Pope Odyss. iv. 549 That recess, commodious for surprize.1814Scott Wav. xlvi, By this way the..general had chosen to approach..as most commodious for his cavalry.
3. Occurring conveniently; opportune. Obs.
1609Bible (Douay) 2 Macc. xiv. 5 Having gotten a commodious time for his madnes.1750tr. Leonardus' Mirr. Stones 130 Thieves seize on goods by the commodious flight of their owners.
4. Of persons: Accommodating. Obs.
1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. ii. 197 The Parrot will not doe more for an Almond, then he for a commodious drab.
5. Serviceable or convenient for accommodation, shelter, or the like:
a. with for, to. arch.
1568Grafton Chron. II. 9 Places which were very commodius for the enemies.1611Bible Acts xxvii. 12 The hauen was not commodious to winter in.1672Marvell Reh. Transp. i. 36 England lying so commodious for Navigation.1759De Foe's Tour Gt. Brit. II. 367 The Isle of Caldey..safe and commodious for Men of War.
b. absol. Furnishing good and ample accommodation; conveniently roomy, spacious. Now the usual sense.
[1494Fabyan vii. 414 The orcharde..whiche was passyng commodious and pleasaunt, they defacyd.1542Boorde Dyetary i. 233 To alter olde buyldyng in-to commodyous and pleasaunt buyldynge.]1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 21 This Malaccha hath a goodly and commodious hauen.1786T. Jefferson Writ. (1859) II. 3 One of the safest and most commodious ports in the world.1797T. Bewick Brit. Birds (1847) I. p. xix, These commodious dwellings.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) I. 559 A farm..furnished with commodious buildings.
6. Said of life, living: Endowed with conveniences, comfortable. Obs.
1550in Strype Eccl. Mem. II. i. xxvii. 222 Things needful, for the commodious living of his natural subjects.1651Hobbes Leviath. i. xiii. 63 Desire of such things as are necessary to commodious living.1663Cowley Verses & Ess. (1669) 84 My life..is a great deal more easie and commodious than thine.




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