

单词 sluttish
释义 sluttish, a.|ˈslʌtɪʃ|
Forms: 5 slottisch, 6 -ysshe, sloottish; 5 sluttissh, 6 sluttys(s)h(e, -ishe, 6– sluttish.
[f. slut n. + -ish.]
1. Of persons: Dirty and untidy in dress and habits, esp. to an extent which is repulsive or disgusting. Now spec. of women.
(a)c1386Chaucer Can. Yeom. Prol. 83 Why is thy lord so sluttissh, I the preye, And is of power bettre clooth to beye?1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. xxxi. 92 Then he shewed them..the nature of the Spanyardes, howe they are sluttysshe and lousy.1597Beard Theatre God's Judgem. (1612) 513 A woman gaily attired,..before whom marched an euill fauoured sluttish vsher.1632Lithgow Trav. i. 26 They of the vulgar kind are both ignorant, sluttish and greedy.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 269 Their Rusticks are truly..Sluttish and Slothful.
(b)1592Arden of Feversham iv. iv, If well attyred, thou thinks I will be gadding; If homely, I seeme sluttish in thine eye.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 107 Their women are most forlorne and sluttish.1635Brereton Trav. (Chetham Soc.) 97 We observed the sluttish women, washing their clothes in a great tub with their feet.1709Tatler No. 75 ⁋9 Jenny's only Imperfection is an Admiration of her Parts, which inclines her to be a little, but a very little, sluttish.1758Johnson Idler No. 15 ⁋4 The..maid..is as lazy and sluttish as her mistress.1822W. Irving Bracebr. Hall (1845) 276 Venting their direful wrath..upon the sluttish dairy-maid.1850Kingsley A. Locke i, The coarse men and sluttish women.
fig.c1600Shakes. Sonn. lv, Vnswept stone, besmeer'd with sluttish time.1673[R. Leigh] Transp. Reh. 140 This gallant..espouses the sluttish mother church of Geneva.
b. Of a low or lewd character. Obs.
1575Gamm. Gurton iii. iii, Stand to it, thou dastard,..Ise teche the, a sluttish toye!1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iv. v. 62 Set them downe, For sluttish spoyles of opportunitie; And daughters of the game.
2. Of things: Unclean, dirty, grimy; untidy.
1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 2 Tim. 23 In sluttishe clothes, with a countrefaicte grauitie of countenaunce,..they conueye them selues in to other mens houses.1553Respublica iii. vi. 853 Suche hongrye doggs will slabbe vp sluttishe puddinges.1599Davies Immort. Soul Introd. xxxiii. (1714) 9 The Man loves least at Home to be, That hath a sluttish House.1617Moryson Itin. iii. 180 Their wives..are attired in a sluttish gowne.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 311 Some boil the cream in a raw skin, so as it is commonly very sluttish, full of hairs and unsalted.1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. 798 This Foul and Gross Body of ours..remaining still Nasty, Sluttish and Ruinous within.1824Scott St. Ronan's xvii, Two or three miserable tubs with suds, or such like sluttish contents.
3. Appropriate to, characteristic of, a slut or sluts:
a. Low, despicable, immoral, lewd. Obs.
1561T. Hoby tr. Castiglione's Courtyer 22 Not to vse sluttish and Ruffianlike pranckes with anye man.1587Turberv. Trag. Tales (1837) 123 Both God and man such sluttysh sutes detest, The lawfull love is ever counted best.1694Crowne Married Beau iv. 44 Who play'd this sluttish trick with these gentlemen?
b. Partaking of, marked or characterized by, gross slovenliness or untidiness.
a1601Pasquil & Kath. (1878) i. 82 In hot pursuit Of cold abhorred sluttish niggardise.1625N. Carpenter Geogr. Del. ii. xiv. (1635) 245 The sluttish carelesnesse of the one, and the cleanly neatnesse of the other.1664Pepys Diary 7 Aug., The ill, improvident, disquiett, and sluttish manner that my father and mother and Pall live in the country.1718Prior Epitaph 28 Sluttish plenty deck'd her table.1727Fam. Dict. s.v. Clear-Starching, Some stir the Starch about with a Candle,..but this is rejected as a sluttish way.1824W. Irving Tales Trav. II. 21 The same air of departed gentility and sluttish housekeeping.1843Carlyle Misc. (1857) IV. 269 A drowsy life, of ease and sluttish abundance.




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