

单词 radiate
释义 I. radiate, a. and n.|ˈreɪdɪət|
[ad. L. radiātus: cf. next.]
A. adj.
1. Having rays proceeding from a centre, or having parts arranged in this manner. radiate animal, one of the Radiata. radiate crown: see radiated 1. radiate flower, a composite flower-head having radial (usually ligulate) florets.
1668Wilkins Real Char. ii. iv. 84 Divided leaves; having a Radiate flower.1751Hurd Marks of Imitation Wks. 1811 II. *253 Anciently the Sun was commonly emblematized by a starry or radiate figure.1769De Foe's Tour Gt. Brit. III. 139 Those Pieces that have radiate Crowns on the Heads of the Effigies, they call Saracens Heads.1785Martyn Rousseau's Bot. vi. (1794) 65 In the radiate flowers the disk is often of one colour.1846Patterson Zool. 57 The naturalist who has been an observer of the radiate animals.1877Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. 591 The apparently radiate Echinus or Star-fish.
2. Arranged like rays, diverging from a centre.
1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 271 A terminal mouth surrounded by two rows of radiate hooks or holders.1877Burnett Ear 65 The radiate fibres are strongly developed in comparison with the circular fibres.1882Vines tr. Sachs' Bot. 131 The thickening tissue placed horizontally..and radially, out of which the radiate tissue is composed.
3. = radial a. 4.
1859J. Tomes Dental Surg. 394 The radiate direction followed by the enamel fibres must be borne in mind.
B. n.
1. A radiate animal; one of the Radiata.
1854Emerson Lett. & Soc. Aims, Poet. & Imag. Wks. (Bohn) III. 141 From radiate, mollusk,..up to man.1863Dana Man. Geol. 158 The sub-kingdom of Radiates contains three classes.
2. A ray-like projection, a ray.
c1885in Cent. Dict.
3. A classical coin with rays issuing from the device.
1939Oxoniensia IV. 61 The coins discovered during the exploration of the Cemetery are listed below... 1 Radiate Antoninianus.1974Sci. Amer. Dec. 122/3 The radiate was by then [sc. a.d. 301] reckoned to be equal to two of the seldom-seen denarii.
II. radiate, v.|ˈreɪdɪeɪt|
[f. L. radiāt- ppl. stem of radiāre to furnish with rays, to emit rays, f. radius a ray, radius n.]
1. a. intr. To emit rays of light; to shine brightly. Also fig.
1649Howell Verses pref. Ld. Herbert's Hen. VIII, Vertues shine more clear In Them, and radiat like the Sun at Noon.1678Cudworth Intellectual Syst. i. iv. §27.454 The Fixed stars..strongly radiate with their light upon our eyes.1766–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) I. 475 Everything set forth in our theory radiates, as the saying is, with its own lustre.1852D. G. Mitchell Dream Life 17 It radiates like a star, God-ward and earthward.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xx. viii. (1872) IX. 158 The..brow of Maria Theresa..did not radiate in response; but gloomed indignantly.
b. Orig., to emit rays of heat. Now more widely, to emit energy of any kind in the form of rays or waves.
1833N. Arnott Physics (ed. 5) II. 41 Metal with a scratched or roughened surface radiates or receives much more rapidly than polished metal.1878E. Clark Visit S. America 111 Long grass radiates very freely.1927I. B. Crandall Theory of Vibrating Systems & Sound ii. 55 Dissipation due to radiation is usually of much greater importance than dissipation due to friction in the neck of the resonator, provided the resonator is so situated that it can radiate.1960Practical Wireless XXXVI. 414/2 The VHF transmitter also radiates during daylight but continues throughout the hours of darkness.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio iii. 64 Remembering that it is the soundboard that is radiating, an alternative is to move the piano well away from the wall and stand the microphone on a chair at the back.1978Nature 2 Mar. 37/1 The ability of degenerate dwarfs..to radiate at X-ray wavelengths has created much theoretical interest.
2. intr. Of light or heat: To issue in rays.
a1704Locke Elem. Nat. Phil. xi. (1754) 41 Light..as it radiates from luminous bodies directly to our eyes.1746–7Hervey Medit. (1818) 263 A richer lustre than that which radiates from thy resplendent orb.1841Penny Cycl. XIX. 233/2 Heat..which radiates from the glass after having been for a time absorbed in it.1854Brewster More Worlds ix. 158 Those eastern lands,..from which the beams of knowledge first radiated on mankind.
3. a. intr. To spread or move in all directions from a centre; to diverge from a central point.
1830N. S. Wheaton Jrnl. 387 The centre whence diligences radiate to every part of this great empire.1841T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. 314 One great central brain, from whence nerves radiate to all parts of the body.1856Stanley Sinai & Pal. iv. 200 The three valleys that radiate from the uplands of Michmash.
b. Of immaterial things:
In quot. a 1619 perh. fig. from sense 1.
a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. ii. §8 (1622) 209 The Holy and vndiuided Trinitie..is easily able to fill it, and to radiate into euery corner of it.1807J. Barlow To Freedom in Columb., Soul-searching Freedom! here assume thy stand, And radiate hence to every distant land.1871Smiles Charac. ii. (1876) 41 Philanthropy radiates from the home as from a centre.
c. To converge to or towards a centre. rare.
1835Willis Pencillings I. iii. 27 Repelling the beggars who radiated to us from every corner.1866Rogers Agric. & Prices I. xxi. 543 A circumference of timber firmly mortised together, with spokes radiating to an axle.
d. Biol. Of an animal or plant group, to spread from its area of greatest concentration into new habitats.
1923F. W. Jones Mammals S. Austral. i. 24 A stock will become progressively altered by adaptation to its environment as it radiates from its centre of domicile.1949W. C. Allee et al. Princ. Animal Ecol. xxxiv. 661/1 The Australian marsupials..radiated into a great variety of habitats.1957P. J. Darlington Zoogeogr. ii. 58 Over a longer period of time, the whole of the Ostariophysi may have radiated from the Old World tropics.1978Sci. Amer. Sept. 111/1 Many of the early amphibian lineages developed rather large body sizes and radiated into the available habitats, becoming herbivores and predators on many food items in aquatic, semiaquatic and terrestrial settings.
4. a. trans. To emit (light or heat) in rays. More widely, to emit (energy of any kind) in the form of rays or waves. Also with away.
1794J. Hutton Philos. Light, etc. 226 Whether..the body is thereby made to radiate or emit light.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. iii. 242 If..we stand before a wall of ice, the wall radiates heat to us, as we also radiate heat to it.1868Lockyer Elem. Astron. ii. (1879) 51 The Sun sends out, or radiates, its light and heat in all directions.1937Discovery Nov. 331/1 It is possible that the Baird video transmitter..will be removed to Birmingham, since only small alterations would be required to make it radiate the signals generated by Marconi-E.M.I. cameras.1971Nature 29 Jan. 304/1 The compactness of the hot plasma cloud suggests that it is probably gravitationally confined and, as the thermal energy is radiated away in a fraction of a second, continuously replenished in some way.1978Ibid. 27 Apr. 784/2 Stars radiate their heat away, and must burn nuclear fuel to keep going.
b. To spread or disseminate as from a centre.
1821Shelley Epipsych. 325 From her presence life was radiated Through the grey earth.1872W. R. Greg Enigmas of Life (1873) 271 Those whom he softens and purifies that they may radiate love and serenity around them.
c. To transmit (radio waves); to broadcast.
1923Radio Times 28 Sept. 12/3 A ninety-minute excerpt..will be simultaneously radiated from all other stations.1951Times 4 Jan. 7/6 Items, mainly music, are selected from one of the three home services. They are radiated simultaneously by a 25-kw. frequency modulated (f.m.) transmitter..and a standard amplitude modulated transmitter.1956B.B.C. Handbk. 1957 59 Thirty-nine high-power, short⁓wave transmitters..radiate the BBC's External Services programmes.1967Listener 30 Mar. 423/3 All three programmes in the United Kingdom will eventually be radiated in colour on 625 lines.1972Radio Times 28 Sept. 42/1 World News is also radiated on medium waves.
5. To irradiate, illuminate. rare.
1658Hewyt's Nine Serm. To Rdr., That glorious light, which continually..did radiate the souls of his faithful Auditory.1831Fraser's Mag. III. 482 The..pleasurable feelings which..radiate the broad disk of our..face.




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