

单词 somewhile
释义 somewhile, adv. Now rare.|ˈsʌmhwaɪl|
Forms: 2–3 sum wile, 3 sum(e) hwile, 4 sumwhyle, 4–6 -while; 4–5 sumquile, -quyle, 5 -qwile; 5 somwhyle, 7 -while; 5 some wile, somewhyle, 5–7, 9 somewhile.
[f. some a.1 + while n.; cf. WFlem. somwijl. In early use freq. written as two words.]
a. At or in some former time; erewhile; formerly. Obs.
1154O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1137, Sume ieden on ælmes þe waren sum wile rice-men.c1230Hali Meid. 5 Syon was sum hwile iclepet þe hehe tur of Ierusalem.13..K. Alis. 1527 (W.), Ther was sum while, over us, A kyng that hette Neptanabus.13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 625 Hit is a syngne þat Salamon set sum-quyle.a1400–50Alexander 2994 Þan was an ymage within..Of Sexeres þat sum-quyle þat cite had to welde.1591Spenser Ruins of Rome 242 These..Pallaces..were shepheards cottages somewhile.1654H. L'Estrange Chas. I (1655) 65 That shell which was some-while the continent of so vast treasures of knowledge.
b. somewhile since, some time ago. Obs.
1652Needham tr. Selden's Mare Cl. 115 Nor must wee let it pass, that somwhile since, there were two Constitutions pretended to in France.
c. attrib., passing into adj. Former, sometime.
1860Ainsworth Ovingdean Grange 11 Highly dangerous to the spiritual welfare of his somewhile flock.1888N. & Q. 7th Ser. VI. 19/1 Richard Doyle, somewhile illustrator of Punch.
2. On a certain occasion in the past; once; at one time. Obs. rare.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 43 We findeð on þe holie boc, þat ure helende..ferde sumwile mid mede ouere water.a1300Cursor M. 4751 Þe caf he cast o corn sumquile In þe flum þat hait þe nile.c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. xcix. viii, For sinne they somewhile smarted.1631Gouge God's Arrows iii. §88. 349 The souldiers that came from Newhaven that was somwhile besieged, and after taken by the enemy.
3. At some (unspecified) time; at one time or other; at times, sometimes. Also at somewhile.
c1250Owl & Night. 6 Þat playd wes..starc & strong, Sum hwile softe & lud among.1390Gower Conf. I. 367, I have herd sein..That thei som while here cause ladden Be merci.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 11427 What ys the cause..That a swerd burnysshed cler, Somwhyle rusteth?c1456Pecock Bk. of Faith (1909) 252 Peraventure he schal have nede at sumwhile.1559Mirr. Mag. (1563) A iv, To serue kings in al pointes men must sum while breke rules.1560Whitehorne Arte Warre 9 b, Some while it hapned, that in one self time there were manie Emperours.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. May 126 Tho vnder colour of shepeheards, somewhile There crept in Wolues, ful of fraude and guile.1628Gaule Pract. The. (1629) 109 An vniuersall King does not onely some-while fore-goe, but some-what resemble the King Eternall.1629in Bradford Plymouth Plant. (1856) 246 These now sente..must, some while, be chargable to you & us.1855J. Nichol in Mem. (1896) iii. 130 The ‘beautiful vision’ with which all lives worth living have been somewhile brightened.
b. With correlative somewhile or other whiles.
a1240Lofsong in O.E. Hom. I. 205 Sumehwile to pleiful, to drupi oðer hwiles.13..Cursor M. 7433 (Gött.), Sumquile [v.r. oþerwhile] wid harpe, sumquile wid sang.c1400Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton) i. xx. (1859) 26 How ofte haue I warned the byfore, Som whyle aperte, som whyle pryuely.1575T. Vautrollier Luther on Ep. Galat. 161 In whom is found continually, somewhile the time of the law, and somewhile the time of grace.1607Hieron Wks. I. 399 It is tearmed some while, a blessing themselues; some while an encouraging themselues in a wicked purpose.
4. For some time.
1864Pusey Daniel (1876) 302 His grandfather himself must have been somewhile dead.




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