释义 |
▪ I. † sorely, a. Obs. In 1, 3 sarlic, 3 sorlich. [OE. sárlíc (f. sár sore a.1), = obs. Flem. seerlick (Kilian), OHG. sêrlîh; cf. ON. sárlig-r, MSw. sārligh.] Painful, sorrowful; sad.
Beowulf 842 No his lifᵹedal sarlic þuhte secga æneᵹum. c888K. ælfred Boeth. xi. §2 Maneᵹra sarlicra wita hi ᵹewilnodon wið þæm ecan life. 971Blickl. Hom. 123 Se sarlica cwide..þe ure Drihten..to þæm ærestan men cwæþ. c1000ælfric Saints' Lives II. 140 He..cwæð him to sona mid sarlicre stemne. c1205Lay. 28457 Þa quene læi inne Eouwerwic, næs heo næuere swa sarlic [v.r. sorlich]. ▪ II. sorely, adv.|ˈsɔəlɪ| Forms: α. 1 sarlice, 3 særliche, 5 sarely; Sc. 6 sairlye, -lie, 6– sairly. β. 4 sorly, 5 soreli(e, 5– sorely. [OE. sárlíce (f. sár sore a.1), = OFris. sêrlîke, MSw. sārlika (-liga): cf. ON. sárliga.] In most senses tending to become a mere intensive. 1. In a manner expressive of great pain, grief, or distress.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxvi. §2 Ða onsac se Wisdom sarlice & cwæð [etc.]. 971Blickl. Hom. 225 Þa wæron hie ealle sona unrote, & sarlice ᵹebærdon. c1000ælfric Gen. xxi. 16 Heo..sæt hire feorran sarlice wepende. c1055Byrhtferth's Handboc in Anglia VIII. 309 Oft seo brodiᵹe henn, þeah heo sarlice clocciᵹe, heo..þa briddas ᵹewyrmð. 1748Thomson Cast. Indol. i. xxi, They cannot fly, But often each way look, and often sorely sigh. 1841Longfellow Childr. Lord's Supper 348 Each bowed him, weeping full sorely. 2. a. In such a manner as to cause great pain or bodily injury; severely. Also fig.
a900Cynewulf Juliana 571 [He] sohte..hu he sarlicast þurh þa wyrrestan witu meahte feorhcwale findan. a1000Soul & Body 73 Þe sculon her..slitan sarlice swearte wihta. 1553Douglas's æneid ii. (1710) 52/36 Baith hir tendir handes War strenzeit sairly boundin hard with bandes. 1590Spenser F.Q. iii. ix. 29 The wicked engine..secretly did glyde Into his hart, which it did sorely gryde. 1611Shakes. Wint. T. v. i. 18, I did so: but thou strik'st me Sorely, to say I did. 1650B. Discolliminium 32 Had it once left sucking the Mothers breasts so sorely. 1695Ld. Preston Boeth. iii. 119 Like that angry Insect..they sorely wound th' Enjoyer too. 1870Bryant Iliad v. I. 173 Wilt thou be angry with me if I drive Mars, sorely wounded, from the battle-field? Ibid. xiv. II. 68 These Bore him to Ilium sorely suffering. b. In a manner involving mental pain, distress, or dissatisfaction. In OE. the sense ‘regrettably, lamentably’, occurs.
c1450Godstow Reg. 633 Hit is vn-semeli..þat contrauersi..lawfully endid sholde be soreli I-meuid ageine. 1567Gude & Godlie B. (S.T.S.) 61 Rycht sorelie musing in my mynde. 1567Satir. Poems Reform. iv. 157, I speik not but pruife, quhilk I may sairlie rew. 1722De Foe Plague 75 Sorely I repented of my rashness. 1828Scott F.M. Perth xxix, I know my failing, and..so sorely dread that I cannot conquer it. 1865Trollope Belton Est. xxxi. 376 She sorrowed to think that he should want such a thing so sorely. 1870J. E. T. Rogers Hist. Glean. Ser. ii. 134 Sorely against his will, Walpole was at last driven into war. 3. In such a manner as to press hardly or severely upon a person or thing.
c1205Lay. 6805 Særliche heo feohte, & fælden heore cnihtes. c1400Melayne 265 Þe Sarazene semblede so Sarely Þat þay felde faste of oure cheualrye. c1400Destr. Troy 3692 Sodenly þo sailes were sorely bestad. 1606Shakes. Ant. & Cl. iv. vi. 19, I haue done ill, Of which I do accuse my selfe so sorely, That I will ioy no more. 1613― Hen. VIII, iv. ii. 14 [He] brought him forward As a man sorely tainted, to his Answer. 1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Wars 750 They begirt the Castle, and the sixth day after recovered it, being sorely assaulted and withall wanting of provision. 1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 253, I would be sorely put to it for lodging. 1779Warner in Jesse Selwyn & Contemp. (1844) IV. 259, I called upon the old duchess, who is ‘sorely badly’, as they say in Lincolnshire, with her old complaint. 1820Scott Monast. xxxvi, Of these most were mounted on steeds which had been sorely jaded. 1846Browning Soul's Trag. Wks. 1863 II. 460 The very measures of precaution, which pressed soreliest on himself. 1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xlix. (1856) 465 It is an amorphous mass, so worn that it must have been sorely wrought before its release from the glacier. 4. To a great extent; in a high degree.
1562Winȝet Wks. (S.T.S.) I. 5 Hes not mony..in thair perfite beleif..sairlye stummerit? 1605Shakes. Lear ii. iv. 304 Alacke the night comes on, and the high windes Do sorely ruffle. 1704Swift Batt. Bks. Misc. (1711) 239 Who had tore off his Title-Page, sorely defac'd one half his Leaves [etc.]. 1786Burns To a Louse i, Your impudence protects you sairly. 1831Scott Ct. Rob. vii, ‘Thou objectest sorely to my complexion,’ said the negro. 1855Dickens Lett. (1880) I. 399 The Association is sorely in want of able men. 1891Farrar Darkn. & Dawn lv, To stay among them meant death, and his life was sorely needed by the Church of God. 5. Comb., as sorely-battered, sorely-needed, sorely-sweated, sorely-tempted, sorely-worn adjs.
1870C. J. Vaughan Earnest Words (1878) 154 The sorely-tempted soul. 1891Kipling Light that Failed ii. (1900) 16 A pair of sorely-worn riding-breeches. 1900W. S. Churchill in Morning Post 1 Jan. 6/1 The engine was soon crowded and began to steam homewards—a mournful, sorely-battered locomotive. 1917― in M. Gilbert Winston Churchill (1977) IV. Compan. i. 87 A mere bluff designed to induce him to dissipate sorely-needed forces on coastal defence. 1952R. Campbell tr. Baudelaire's Poems 129 Who come to waste their sorely-sweated pittance. |