

单词 costen
释义 I. ˈcosten, v.1 Obs.
In 1 costnian, 3 costnen.
[OE. costnian, a subsidiary form of costian to try, tempt. The inserted n appears also in costnere and costnung = costere, costung. OE. costian was Com. Teut. = OS. costôn, OHG. kostôn (MHG. and mod.G. kosten), Icel. kosta; f. kostuz trial: see cost n.1]
trans. To try.
c1205Lay. 24669 Bute he icostned [c 1275 ifonded] weoren þrie ine compe.
II. ˈcosten, v.2 Obs.
Forms: 3–5 costn-en (pa. tense costned(e), costen(en, cosn(en (pa. tense costenede, cosnede).
[ME. costn-en appears to be a by-form (of earlier appearance) of cost-en, a. OF. cost-er to cost. The n of the stem appears also in Icel. kostnaðr, Sw. kostnad, Da. bekostning expense.]
= cost v.
a1225Ancr. R. 290 His deorewurðe spuse, þet costnede him so deore.Ibid. 392 Ure luue touward him þet kostnede him so deorre.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 390 He esste, wat hii costenede? þre ssyllyng, þe oþer seyde.c1380Sir Ferumb. 1683 Þe werste..cosnede a þousant pounde.1399Langl. Rich. Redeles 20 Duble That the clothe costened.




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