

单词 spawn
释义 I. spawn, n.|spɔːn|
Forms: 5–6 spawne, spaune, 6 spaume, spane, 7 spaen, 7– spawn.
[f. spawn v.]
1. The milt of a fish. Obs.
c1430Two Cookery-bks. 14 Take..þe lyuer an þe Spaune, an sethe it y-now in fayre Water.c1450Ibid. 90 Take a Gurnard..(the lyuer and þe Spawne with-in him).
2. a. The minute eggs of fishes and various other oviparous animals (chiefly aquatic or amphibian), usually extruded in large numbers and forming a more or less coherent or gelatinous mass; also, the young brood hatched from such eggs, while still in an early stage of development.
1491Act 7 Hen. VII, c. 9 Grete multitude of Spawne and broode of all maner fysshes of the See.1538Leland Itin. (1769) V. 70 A Kinde of Weedes,..wherin the Spaune hath Socur, and also the greate Fische.1545Elyot, Anguilla, a fyshe called an eele, whiche..cometh without generacion or spawne.1570Levins Manip. 44 Ye spaune of fishe, fœtus, auxumæ.1600Dallam in Early Voy. Levant (Hakluyt Soc.) 95 This day we saw greate store of the spane of whales, whearof they make spermacetie.1656Ridgley Pract. Physick 325 Anoint it with the spawn of red Snails.a1676Hale Prim. Orig. Man. iv. v. (1677) 338 The Semina or Spawn of Insects.1710Tatler No. 236 ⁋5 He filled several Barrels with the choicest Spawn of Frogs.1731Gentl. Mag. I. 12 The first appearance of them is in a sort of Spawn, spread over the Cabbage-leaves.1774Goldsm. Nat. Hist. IV. 31 Oysters usually cast their spawn in May.1833L. Ritchie Wand. by Loire 191 Eels are also plentiful; and their spawn, while ascending the river.., are caught in vast quantities.1845Budd Dis. Liver 400 It is remarkable, too, that their excrement and spawn should not have set up disease in the substance of the liver.1888Goode Amer. Fishes 27 The European Bass are said to deposit their spawn near the mouths of rivers.
transf.1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 142 Whether perles bee..the byrthe or spaune of there intrals.1608Topsell Serpents (1653) 594 They bite to cleanse their teeth from all spawn and spume of venom.
b. With a and pl. A fish-egg; an undeveloped fish.
1563B. Googe Eglogs (Arb.) 105 But Pikes haue Spawnes good stoore in euery Pound.1584B. R. tr. Herodotus ii. 93 These male fishe..shed theyr seede by the way, which their femals..deuour, and thereof shortly after breede theyr spawnes.1610Fletcher Faithf. Sheph. iii, Bare-foot may no Neighbour wade..When the spawns on stones do lye, To wash their Hemp, and spoil the Fry.1611Florio, Alace, a meate made of spaunes of fishes.
3. A brood; a numerous offspring. Chiefly fig.
1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 22 She poured forth..Her fruit⁓full cursed spawne of serpents small.1600Lane Tom Tel Troth 127 Bearing a spawne of many new-bred sinnes.1619S. Hieron Wks. II. 473 Such..are..not only suffered to remayne within, but to encrease also, so that there is euen a fresh spawne of such euery day.a1740Waterland Def. Ld. Bp. St. David's Wks. 1823 VI. 282 Its effects and consequences..are plainly a spawn of all vices and villanies, a deluge of all mischiefs and outrages upon the earth.1920D. H. Lawrence Touch & Go 6 The plays of A People's Theatre are—oh heaven, what are they?—not popular nor populous nor plebeian nor proletarian nor folk nor parish plays. None of that adjectival spawn.
4. fig.
a. A person contemptuously regarded as the offspring of some parent or stock, or as imbued with some quality or principle. In early use freq. with a and pl.
1589Nashe Pasquill & Marf. 16 They are the very Spawnes of the fish Sæpia.1589? Lyly Pappe w. Hatchet (1844) 16 Whie are not the spawnes of such a dog-fish hangd?a1627Middleton Witch i. ii, Here's a spawn or two Of that same paddock brood.1667Dryden & Dk. Newcastle Sir M. Mar-all iv, Thou spawn of the old serpent, fruitful in nothing but in lies.1706E. Ward Wooden World Diss. (1708) 67 The Gunner Is commonly a Spawn of the Captain's own Projection.1817Southey Wat Tyler iii. i, This is that old seditious heretic... And here the young spawn of rebellion; My orders ar'n't to spare him.1844Lever T. Burke II. 164 There was a cry..to have the child executed also, and many called out that the spawn would be a serpent one day.1865Kingsley Herew. i, ‘Oh, apostate!’ cries the bell-wether, ‘oh, spawn of Beelzebub!’
b. Similarly in collective use.
1601B. Jonson Poetaster Prol., How ere that common spawne of ignorance, Our frie of writers, may beslime his fame.1625Fletcher & Shirley Nt. Walker iii, The Goblins, Haggs, and the black spawn of darkness, Cannot fright me.1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 83 They are worse Brokers than Jews; if they be not the Spawn of them, the Rechabites, that would drink no Wine.1729Gay Polly ii. xxvii, You ne'er were drawn..Among the spawn Who practice the frauds of courts.1737[S. Berington] Mem. G. de Lucca (1738) 117 Other Northern Nations, who have..over⁓run the Face of Europe; leaving a Mixture of their Spawn in all Parts of it.1852R. S. Hawker in Byles Life xiv. (1905) 228 The wretched Heretics, the spawn of that miscreant John Wesley.1895Rider Haggard Heart of World xvii, The vengeance of generations [might be] accomplished upon the spawn of the Spaniard.
5. fig. A product, result, or effect of something.
1624Donne Serm. Wks. 1839 V. 331 The Spawns of Leviathan, the Seed of Sin,..reign most in that part of the body.1646J. Hall Horæ Vac. 45 Libels are her spawns.1673Cave Prim. Chr. i. v. 12 The result and spawn of lying fame.a1770Jortin Serm. (1771) V. xiii. 282 Atheism..is the annual spawn and the natural effect of the gross superstitions..of the Romish church.1789Belsham Ess. xxv. II. 17 If this hypothesis be a spawn of the Oriental philosophy, it ought to be rejected.1857Maurice Mor. & Met. Philos. IV. ix. §35. 558 In the sentimental spawn which was produced from him.1869Ruskin Q. of Air i. 59 The many monstrous and misbegotten fantasies which are the spawn of modern licence.
6. fig. The source or origin of something.
a1591H. Smith Wks. (1867) II. 273 It is called, ‘The root of all evil,’..as if we would say, the spawn of all sin.1607Hieron Wks. I. 331 Both haue in them the root and seed and (as it were) the spawne and beginning of euery euill.1650T. Hubbert Pill Formality 220 In their birth lies the spawne of all evil.1667Waterhouse Fire Lond. 35 The Primitive Martyrs, which were the Churches Spawn.
7. The mycelium of mushrooms or other fungi.
1731Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Mushrooms, A Bed thus manag'd, if the Spawn takes kindly, will..produce great Quantities of Mushrooms.1763Mills Syst. Pract. Husb. IV. 187 This seed, or rather this spawn..should be kept very dry till it is used.1824Loudon Encycl. Gard. (ed. 2) §3406 Spawn is a white fibrous substance, running like broken threads, in such dry reduced dung, or other nidus, as is fitted to nourish it.1845Florist Jrnl. 126 The spawn being thus provided, the next consideration is the preparation of the dung, and the making of the bed.1867H. Macmillan Bible Teach. vi. (1870) 112 The spawn of the mushrooms..both consume putrescent organized matter, and manure the land.
8. attrib. and Comb., as spawn-box, spawn-deposit; spawn-feathered, spawn-like adjs.; spawn-brick, a brick-shaped mass of compost containing mushroom-spawn; spawn-eater, -pike, U.S. (see quots. 1881–4); spawn-stone, oolite, roe-stone.
1641Day Parl. Bees v, The greater number of spawn⁓feathered bees Fly low like kites.1668Charleton Onomast. 252 Ammonites,..Lesser Spawn-stone.c1820in Loudon Encycl. Gard. (1824) §3413, I shall next give directions how to form spawn-bricks.1853Zoologist XI. 4040, I have also seen young toads, though I never noticed any spawn⁓deposits.1862H. Marryat Year in Sweden II. 420 In the greenhouse are spawn-boxes.1881Cassell's Nat. Hist. V. 131 The Spawn-eater, or Smelt (Leuciscus hudsonicus), is a silvery fish..about three inches long, and occurs in Lake Superior.1884Goode Nat. Hist. Aquat. Anim. 421 At Vermillion, Ohio, there is caught, early in the spring, what is termed the ‘Spawn Pike’.1938S. Beckett Murphy 249 The iris was reduced to a thin glaucous rim of spawnlike consistency.
II. spawn, v.|spɔːn|
Forms: 5 spawnyn (spanyn), 5–7 spawne (6 spaune), 7– spawn.
[app. for *spaund, ad. AF. espaundre, = OF. espandre (mod.F. épandre) to shed, spill, pour out:—L. expandĕre expand v.
The AF. word occurs in the treatise of Walter de Bibbesworth (Wright Voc. I. 164) in the line ‘Soffret le peysoun en ewe espaundre’, and is glossed by scheden his roune, ‘shed his roe’ (Skeat), misprinted by Wright as scheden him frome.]
I. intr.
1. Of fish, etc.: To cast spawn.
c1400Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton) v. xiv. (1859) 80 Whiche fisshes he putte in the stewe, where they haue spawned and multyplyed.c1440Promp. Parv. 467/2 Spawnyn, as fyschys (K. spanyn), pisciculo.1530Palsgr. 727/1 Never use to ete fyschys, whan they spawne, for they be nat holsom than.1570Levins Manip. 44 To spaune, oua gignere.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 560 The Arabians and Lybians eat them before they haue spawned.1674tr. Scheffer's Lapland xvi. 81 The fishermen, at those times when the fishes do spawn, do alwaies live on the side of some river.1694Motteux Rabelais v. xxxi. (1737) 143, I saw..Fish milting, spawning.1771Phil. Trans. LXI. 317 Carp spawn in May, June, or July.1821Shelley Adonais xxix, The sun comes forth, and many reptiles spawn.1865Hatton Bitter Sweets xxvi, The bream and the tench had spawned in the river.
transf.1673Temple Observ. U. Prov. Wks. 1720 I. 11 These Nations, which seem'd to spawn in every Age, and..discharged their own native Countries of so vast Numbers.
2. a. To increase or develop after the manner of spawn; to become reproductive.
1607R. C[arew] tr. Estienne's World Wond. 151 Seeds of sinne, which naturally breed and (as it were) spawne in our hearts.1658A. Fox Würtz' Surg. i. iii. 10 Then is that wound in that natural swelling hindered,..then it begins to spawn and swell.1702Phil. Trans. XXIII. 1260 These [flower-spikes] are thick set in oblong heads, which sometime spawn or divide at the bottom.
b. To grow or develop into something.
1677Gilpin Demonol. (1867) 131 Error..stops not at one or two falsehoods, but is apt to spawn into many others.1686Goad Celest. Bodies ii. vii. 243 Navigation had not spawn'd into Sholes, or afterwards.a1930D. H. Lawrence Last Poems (1932) 198 Oh I have loved the working class Where I was born, And lived to see them spawn into machine-robots.
3. a. To issue or come forth like or after the manner of spawn.
1657W. Morice Coena quasi κοινὴ iii. 136 These dismal Heresies which have lately spawn'd.1693Locke Educ. §124 [Lying] is so ill a Quality, and the mother of so many ill ones that spawn from it.
b. Of persons: To swarm out.
1718Ramsay Christ's Kirk Gr. iii. xix, The wives and gytlings a' spawn'd out O'er middings and o'er dykes.
4. To swarm or teem with something.
1818Southey Ess. (1832) II. 137 The infidelity with which some of the Scotch Schools have spawned during the last half century.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Land, The rivers and the surrounding sea spawn with fish.
II. trans.
5. a. To produce or generate as spawn or in large numbers; also, in contemptuous use, to give birth to (a person).
1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iii. ii. 115 Some report, a Sea⁓maid spawn'd him. Some, that he was begot betweene two Stock-fishes.1687Montagu & Prior Hind & Panth. Transv. 9 Or else reforming Corah spawn'd this Class.1730Southall Treat. Buggs 24 They generally spawn about fifty at a time.1784Cowper Task ii. 827 A race obscene, Spawn'd in the muddy beds of Nile, came forth, Polluting Egypt.1847Disraeli Tancred iii. vii, A race spawned perhaps in the morasses of some Northern forest hardly yet cleared.1867Emerson May-Day & Other Pieces Wks. (Bohn) III. 442 She spawneth men as mallows fresh.1891T. R. Lounsbury Stud. Chaucer III. vii. 198 A poet of the kind the eighteenth century spawned in profusion.
b. With forth, upon.
1619Hieron Wks. I. 644 Nature hath (as it were) spawned vs forth into this worldly sea.1838Lytton Alice vi. ii, But oh, that a nation which has known a Corneille should ever spawn forth a ―.1865J. G. Holland Plain Talk i. 31 Then think of multitudes of men spawned upon the country every year by our medical institutions.
6. a. To engender, produce, bring forth, give rise to; spec. of tornadoes or the like. Also with forth and out.
1594Nashe Unfort. Trav. 62 Her eies in their closing seemed to spaune forth in their outward sharpe corners new created seed pearle.1654Whitlock Zootomia 202 But well it were if meer Speculation were onely barren;..In the Church it spawneth Heresies.1683Kennett tr. Erasm. on Folly 47 The curiosity of the Greeks spawned so many subtleties.1708Swift Sacramental Test Wks. 1755 II. i. 137 What practices such principles as these..may spawn, when they are laid out to the sun, you may determine at leisure.1792Burke Let. to Sir H. Langrishe Wks. 1842 I. 557 That they are not permitted to spawn a hydra of wild republicks, on principles of a pretended natural equality in man.1863Kingsley Water-Bab. 23 The house looked..as if it had been all spawned in a night as mushrooms are.1955Sci. News Let. 18 June 394/1 The general atmospheric conditions in which hurricanes are spawned are known.1965Listener 21 Oct. 610/1 Every summer the violent climate of the central United States spawns a series of devastating storms—tornadoes—twisters they call them here.1976Bay City (Michigan) Times 12 July 1/5 Powerful thunderstorms roamed much of the East Sunday spawning tornadoes and flash floods.
b. spec. in contemptuous use with reference to literary work, utterances, etc.
1631A. Wilson Swisser v. i. (1904) 89 From kissing a' the hand to cutting a' the throat, Sir, O you shall meet 'em, spawning out the word, With such a Grace.a1661Fuller Worthies, Gen. x. (1662) 29 Books..come swimming into the world like shoals of Fishes, and one edition spawneth another.1672Marvell Reh. Transp. i. 87 Of late years Mr. Bayes had regularly spawned his books.a1704Friendly Adv. to Dr. Bl― in T. Brown Wks. (1711) IV. 197 Such vile Heroicks..Were never spawn'd before from Irish Brains.1713Lond. Gaz. No. 5118/2 The Press..hath Spawn'd so many Blasphemous..Pamphlets.1820Byron Juan v. lii, But every fool describes, in these bright days, His wondrous journey.., And spawns his quarto.1826in W. Cobbett Rur. Rides (1885) II. 107 Cobbett's prophecies were falsified as soon as spawned.
7. To supply with spawn or mycelium.
1786Abercrombie Gard. Assist. 205 Mushroom spawn—for spawning new beds.
8. To extract spawn from (fishes).
1884Day Fishes Gt. Brit. I. p. cix, The mode of spawning or stripping fish..requires practice.
Hence spawned ppl. a., (a) cast or deposited as spawn; (b) that has emitted spawn; spent; also with out.
1866Banffshire Gloss. 176 Speinty, a spawned fish.1905Westm. Gaz. 1 Feb. 3/2 Sometimes these spawned salmon resemble the genuine article so closely that only an expert can distinguish the difference.1972Trout & Salmon June 41/1 Unripe fish as well as spawned-out carcasses and unused roe..are sold in the market.1972L. Hancock There's a Seal in my Sleeping Bag vi. 132 Birds congregated on the salmon river to feed on the spawned-out salmon.




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