

单词 spousing
释义 ˈspousing, vbl. n. Obs.
[f. spouse v.]
1. The action of the vb. in various senses; marriage, matrimony, wedlock; espousal, betrothal.
a1250Owl & Night. 1336 Þurh me nas neauer ischend spusing.c1275Sinners Beware 159 in O.E. Misc., Þeos prude leuedies, Þat luuyeþ drywories, And brekeþ spusynge.c1315Shoreham i. 1727 Spousynge At seue ȝer me maky may, Ac none ryȝt weddynge.c1430How Good Wife taught her Daughter in Babees Bk. 46 Loke to þi douȝtren..& gadere faste towarde her mariage, And ȝeue hem to spowsynge as soone as þei ben ablee.c1450Mirour Saluacioun (Roxb.) 29 Thogh marie was joynte vnto man be spovsing.
b. With possessives.
a1250Owl & Night. 1553 He weneþ heo wile anon to⁓breke Hire spusyng.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8879 He sede þat heo ssolde is sone to hire spousinge auonge.1388Wyclif Song Sol. iii. 11 The diademe, bi which his modir crownede hym, in the dai of his spousyng.1435Misyn Fire of Love 71 Qwhen þai to weddynge or þe fest of cristis spowsynge ar cald.
c. attrib. in spousing-band, spousing chamber, spousing cloth, spousing garment, spousing girdle, spousing gown.
a1250Owl & Night. 1472 Þauh spusyng-bendes byndeþ sore.1495Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 263, xiiij ellis of quhite dammas, to be the Princis spousing goune.1513Douglas æneid x. xi. 113 Of Lavynya the spousyng chalmyr.a1568in Bannatyne MS. (Hunter. Cl.) 770 Thair is no differance Betuix the gallowis and the spowsing claith.a1605Montgomerie Devot. Poems, Poets Dreme i, God give me grace for to begin My spousing garment for to spin.1666Despauterii Gram. Instit. D 5 b (Jam.), Cestus.., a spousing girdle.
2. An instance or occasion of this; an espousal or marriage.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 9069 Mid nobleye & prute inou þis spousinge was ydo.a1300Havelok 2888 Þat spusinge was [in] god time maked.13..Sir Beues 4565 Þe feste was riale inow, Ase scholde be at swiche a spusinge And at þe kinges couroning.




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