

单词 spouting
释义 I. ˈspouting, n.
[f. spout n.]
Roof-spouts collectively; material for these.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2288/2 Hollowing out stuff for spouting and troughs.1885Law Times 23 May 65/1 It was necessary to put up a ladder to the roof for the purpose of priming some spouting.1894Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. June 288 The spoutings of the farm buildings contribute a great deal to the contents of all such ponds.
II. ˈspouting, vbl. n.
[f. spout v.]
1. The action of issuing or discharging in a spout or stream.
1611Cotgr., Sourgeon,..the rising, boyling, or spouting vp of water in a spring.1665Glanvill Def. Van. Dogm. 34 No more difficulty in this Hypothesis, then in the direct spouting of water out of a pipe.1796T. Twining Trav. India, etc. (1894) 17, I had once considered the spouting of whales as a fabulous exageration.1839Beale Sperm Whale (ed. 2) 44 At the termination of this breathing time, or as whalers say, when he has his ‘spoutings out’, the head sinks slowly.1889Nature 21 Mar. 482 The waste occasioned by ‘spouting’ [of oil-wells] is at times enormous.
b. attrib., as spouting-canal, spouting-hole, spouting-tube.
1835–6Todd's Cycl. Anat. I. 581/1 The orifice of the spouting hole..is situated towards the summit of the head.1840F. D. Bennett Narr. Whaling Voy. II. 151 The spouting-canal [in the whale] may perform both the offices attributed to it.1845Encycl. Metrop. VII. 344/1 The Gangetic Dolphin is remarkable for..a roof over the spouting apparatus.Ibid., The passage of the spouting tube.
2. Declamation or recitation; speech-making, speechifying.
1788Grose Dict. Vulg. T. (ed. 2), Spouting, theatrical declamation.1805M. Cutler in Life, etc. (1888) II. 185 There was much spouting, and some handsome speaking.1848Thackeray Van. Fair xxxiv, To be freed..from the dreary spouting of the Reverend Bartholomew Irons.1893Vizetelly Glances Back I. xvii. 327 Spouting was a positive passion with Hannay.
attrib.1802M. Edgeworth Moral T. (1816) I. xiv. 110 The spouting action of a player.1814Jane Austen Mansf. Park xiii, For anything of the acting, spouting, reciting kind, I think he has always a decided taste.1884E. Yates Recoll. iii, ‘The Lays of Ancient Rome’ had been favourite spouting-pieces at Highgate.
b. spouting club (or spouting society), a society meeting for the purpose of practising recitation, declamation, or oratory.
1756A. Murphy Apprentice i. i, A Spouting-Club, friend Gargle!—What's a Spouting-Club?Ibid. ii. i, The Spouting-Club,..the Members..roaring out Bravo.1781V. Knox Lib. Educ. §20 Neither is it desirable, that he should acquire that love..of declaiming, which may introduce him to spouting clubs, or disputing societies.1806H. Siddons Maid, Wife & Widow II. 146 He was a great orator at the spouting societies.1850Thackeray Pendennis lxii, Many a Spouting-Club orator would turn the Bishops out of the House of Lords to-morrow.
III. ˈspouting, ppl. a.
[f. spout v.]
1. Issuing in a spout or stream.
1601Holland Pliny I. 91 The same is shadowie, full of woods, and watered with veines of spouting Springs.1697Dryden æneid iii. 822 With spouting blood the purple pavement swims.1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 202 That is called spouting Water, which..forms single Jets, Sheafs, Bubblings of Water, &c.1720Pope Iliad xxi. 184 One [lance] raz'd Achilles' hand; the spouting blood Spun forth.1839tr. Lamartine's Trav. 127/1 Guards are placed..to watch over the safety of the khan;..fountains of spouting water keep it always cool.
2. a. Discharging liquid in a copious stream.
1654Gayton Pleas. Notes Quix. i. 3 That other Knight.., whom I call the Knight of the high Scurrado, or Spouting Pestle.1693Evelyn De la Quint. Compl. Gard. II. 5, I will say in another place, what Water is in the Pipes of spouting Fountains.1780tr. Von Troil's Iceland 256 At Geyser is the largest of all the spouting-springs in Iceland.1896Kipling Seven Seas 25 The wreck that lies on the spouting reef Where the ghastly blue-lights flare.
b. spec. Of whales: Throwing up spray in the act of respiration; blowing.
1648Hexham ii, Een Spuyt-wal, a Spouting whale.1668Charleton Onomast. 167 Balæna Physeter,..the puffing, or spouting Whale.1835–6Todd's Cycl. Anat. I. 576/1 The Spouting Whales always feed upon living food.1843Penny Cycl. XXVII. 287/2 The Zoophagous or Spouting Cetaceans.1845Encycl. Metrop. VII. 339/2 The Spouting Family, which includes the Porpesse-like and Whale-like Tribes.
c. spouting well = spouter 3 b.
1861Chem. News 28 Sept. 164/2 At about 325 feet in depth, there is about 40 feet of white sandstone, near the top of which ‘spouting wells’ are found.1898Knowledge 1 June 124/2 The ‘spouting’ wells of Russia entirely eclipse those of America in output.1912Tower & Roberts Petroleum v. 83 On the basis of the general character of the yield wells are divided into two classes, the flowing, spouting, or gushing wells, and the pumping wells.
3. Given to speech-making; declamatory.
1796Reynolds Fortune's Fool iv. i, In the garret is a spouting author.1889John Bull 2 Mar. 140 The spouting agitator whose speeches have incited to these criminal deeds.




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