

单词 abuser
释义 I. abuser1|əˈbjuːzə(r)|
[f. abuse v. + -er1.]
One who abuses: hence,
1. One who uses improperly, misuses, misapplies or perverts; a perverter.
c1450Moral Play in Le Bibliophile, 1 May 1863, 55 An abuser of Justice hateth my syght.1638Wilkins New World (1707) ix. 67 There being not any Absurdity..for which these Abusers of the Text will not find out an argument.1746J. Hervey Medit. & Contempl. (1818) 42 God..may swear in his wrath, that such abusers of his long-suffering ‘shall never enter into his rest.’1860Westm. Rev. (N.S.) No. 35. 66 The abusers of power received a merited amount of censure.
2. One who perverts truth or abuses confidence; a deceiver or impostor. Obs.
1579Tomson Calvin's Serm. Timothy 826/2 All they which giue themselues to wickednesse..are false varlets & abusers, in pretending at this day the name of Christians.1604Shakes. Oth. i. ii. 78, I therefore apprehend and do attach thee, For an abuser of the World, a practiser Of Arts inhibited.1614Rowlands Fooles Bolt For so doth Sathan, soules abuser, First tempt to ill, then turne accuser.1667Denham Sophy (J.) Next thou, the abuser of thy prince's ear.
3. One who uses badly or injures; an ill-user, violator; one who seduces, a ravisher.
c1608Fletcher Faithf. Sheph. I. 230 Retire awhile Behind this Bush, till we have known that vile Abuser of young Maidens.1611Bible 1 Cor. vi. 9 Nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselues with mankine.1665J. Spencer Prodigies 127 (T.) That day of vengeance, wherein God will destroy the murderers and abusers of his servants.
4. One who reviles, or decries; a reviler.
1836Hor. Smith Tin Trumpet I. 9 Abuse, intemperate, excites our sympathies, not for the abuser but the abusee.1861F. Nightingale Nursing 53 I should be very glad if any of the abusers of tea would point out what to give to an English patient after a sleepless night, instead of tea.
II. abuser2 Obs.|əˈbjuːzə(r)|
[a. Fr. abuser inf. used subst.: see abuse v.]
Illegal or wrongful use.
1646in Rushworth Hist. Coll. I. iv. 316 That an act be passed for granting and confirming of the charters..of the City of London, notwithstanding any Nonuser, Misuser or Abuser.a1734North Examen iii. viii. §60. 630 The Corporation..for every unlawful Act done by the Body was seisable, for the Abuser, as forfeited.




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