

单词 starting
释义 I. ˈstarting, vbl. n.
[f. start v. + -ing1.]
1. a. The action of the verb in various senses. Also with off and up in some senses. Freq. attrib.
starting of the navel: umbilical rupture.
1398Trevisa Barth. de P.R. xviii. xxx. (1495) 793 A hart..lepyth thwart ouer wayes..and stertyth wyth contrary lepynges and stertynges.c1430Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 7317 [Generides] stert a-side thoo; In the sterting the knife was nigh.1602Archpriest Controv. (Camden) II. 221 Which action, without waveringe or startinge, I did earnestly prosecute.1626Bacon Sylva §713 Starting is both an Apprehension of the Thing feared;.. And likewise an Inquisition, in the beginning, what the Matter should be.a1653Jer. Taylor Serm. I. i. 8 Thy falshod to God and startings from thy holy promises..shall be laid open before all the world.1694J. Pechey Compl. Herbal 164 The Starting of the Navel has been cured in many Children, with a Cataplasm made with [etc.].1798R. Jackson Hist. & Cure Fever 239 Tremors, startings, and the various irregular motions, which often appear in fever, are undoubtedly dangerous.1801Ann. Reg., Chron. 44 [He] called to the boatswain to bring a point (a rope doubled with knots at the end), and give the plaintiff a ‘starting’.1821M. Edgeworth Let. 29 Jan. (1971) 235, I hope this can be arranged as I found it a starting off point and I could not conclude the agreement without it.1828A. B. Granville St. Petersburgh II. 454 There is, moreover, another species of corporal punishment in the British navy... It is vulgarly called ‘starting’, or the ‘rope's end’.1850Newman Difficulties Anglicans i. ii. (1891) I. 59 They..relieve their feelings by gestures and cries, and startings to and fro.1885Pater Marius iv. xx. II. 100 Those noises in the house all supper-time..were they only startings in the old rafters?1895Kipling in Century Mag. LI. 265/2 There was the same ‘starting-off place’—a pile of brushwood.1912Motor Man. (ed. 14) iii. 108 Cars having compressed air starting⁓up devices are always equipped for rapid tyre inflation from the air pressure cylinder.1927[see activation].1946Happy Landings July 1/1 The engine was not turned by hand through one cycle before the starting-up operation.1959Times 12 June 17/5 Extraordinary starting-up costs at the Company's new borate refinery.1967E. Short Embroidery & Fabric Collage i. 28 There is a definite starting-off point, namely the subject, which then has to be translated into a suitable flat pattern.
b. Phrase, at starting: lit. at the beginning of a race or journey; fig. at the outset.
[1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. i. xxxi. (1674) 35 Many Charrets appearing at the first starting with new Wheels well greased.]1834Newman Par. Serm. I. ix. 134 It is given you in order that you may find it easy to obey at starting.1861Reade Cloister & H. i, Let me remind him that even Christians loved one another at first starting.1868Field 18 July 49/1 The favourite, taking a clear lead at starting, made all the running, and won in a canter by a couple of lengths.1880Swinburne Stud. Shaks. 103 None of these had better luck in that line at starting than King Henry IV.1883A. Thomas Mod. Housew. 144 At starting let me say that [etc.].
2. attrib. and Comb.
a. Simple attrib., of appliances for starting machinery, as starting-bar, starting cord, starting-gear, starting panel, starting platform, starting-valve, starting-wheel; relating to the starting of horses in a race, as starting-list, starting-machine, starting-stoop; relating to the starting of railway trains, as starting-signal.
1875Knight Dict. Mech., *Starting-bar, a hand-lever for starting the valve-gear of a steam-engine.
1977D. MacKenzie Raven & Ratcatcher viii. 114 He whipped the *starting cord on the small outboard motor. It caught at the second attempt.
1867Burgh Mod. Marine Engin. 295 *Starting Gear.
1898Encycl. Sport II. 190/1 (Racing) The Starter's duties are at present threatened with supersession by the introduction of the ‘*starting machine’, a colonial invention.
1913J. B. Bishop Panama Gateway v. v. 376 A *starting panel containing contractors by which current is applied to the motor.
1869Rankine Machine & Hand-tools Pl. F 5, The hammer can be regulated and easily worked by one man, at the lever, f, on the *starting platform.
1889G. Findlay Eng. Railway 68 *Starting signals are usually placed at the end of the platform at a staion..and they indicate to the driver when he may start his train.
1708Lond. Gaz. No. 4450/4 The Horses to be enter'd at the *Starting-Stoop 10 Days before the Race.
1865Bourne Rec. Improv. Steam Eng. 35 In 1852 I introduced *starting valves.
1867Burgh Mod. Marine Engin. 55 The correct locality of the *starting wheel.
b. Special comb.: starting-back Whaling [back n.2] (see quot.); starting-beer, beer used for the purpose of starting or reviving stale beer; starting block, (usu. pl.) a shaped rigid block for bracing the feet of a runner at the start of a race; also fig.; starting-bolt Naut. (see quot.); starting gate Sport, (a) a barrier device used at the beginning of a race (esp. of horses) to ensure a simultaneous start for all competitors; (b) a point from which individual runs are timed, as in skiing etc.; also transf. and fig.; starting grid = grid 6 c; starting ground, a basis from which an argument or a development starts; starting handle, a handle used to start a machine; spec. a detachable one that is turned to start the engine of a motor vehicle; starting line, a real or imaginary line used to mark the place from which a race starts; also fig.; starting-note Sc., an extra note or anacrusis at the beginning of a melody, preceding an accented note; also fig.; starting pistol, a pistol used to give the signal at the start of a race; starting-place, the place occupied at starting by a competitor in a race; the place from which a person or thing starts; starting-point, the point from which a person or thing starts; a point of departure in a journey, argument, narration, development, etc.; starting-post, a post which marks the place from which the competitors in a race should start; also fig.; starting powder Fireworks (see quot.); starting-price, (a) the price at which the bidding at an auction is started; (b) Racing, the final odds on a horse at the time of starting; also attrib.; starting salary, the salary (on a pay-scale) earned at first by an employee taking up a new post. See also starting-hole.
1820Scoresby Acc. Arctic Reg. II. 398 An oblong wooden cistern, called the ‘*starting-back’, is usually erected, for containing blubber.
1742Lond. & Country Brew i. (ed. 4) 23 For brewing common brown Ale and *Starting-beer.
1937Bresnahan & Tuttle Track & Field Athletics iii. 54 There are two opinions on the matter of support for the feet at the start of the sprints. One is that holes in the track be used as a means of foot support, while the other is that *starting blocks on top of the track be used.Ibid. xvi. 455 Those who prefer to employ starting blocks rather than holes in the track claim that blocks have the advantage in that they protect the track and make adjustments..easier.1961F. C. Avis Sportsman's Gloss. 63 Starting blocks, triangular pieces of wood fixed to the track and against which the sprinter's heels are pushed at the start of a race.1977J. Wainwright Pool of Tears 205 He crouched, like a sprinter on starting-blocks.1983Listener 29 Sept. 4/2 All the Opposition parties are poised nervously on the starting-blocks of the new political year.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., *Starting-Bolt, or Drift-bolt, a bolt used to drive out another; it is usually a trifle smaller.
1898T. Haydon Sporting Reminisc. 29 There is another Australian invention..the *Starting Gate.1930Times 24 Mar. 4/2 Numbered saddle cloths, the starting-gate, and the totalisator are among the reforms which came from them.1940C. Day Lewis tr. Virgil's Georgics i. 31 When racing chariots have rushed from the starting-gate.1950Sun (Baltimore) 18 Feb. 12/1 The competitors fear for life and limb when they are encased in the gate, which resembles the starting gate used for horses, and is designed to eliminate false starts.1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 5 Feb. 19/3 The 18-year-old student was assessed a one-second penalty by the jury panel, which reviewed a claim by two officials that Debbie was too quick out of the starting gate.1971Language XLVII. 5 Acceptance of this very general position, how⁓ever, does little more than put one in the proper starting gate.1976New Yorker 8 Mar. 105/1 Mount Sterling stumbled coming out of the starting gate, unseating his rider, Maple.
1957*Starting grid [see grid 6 c].1978‘D. Rutherford’ Collision Course 100 Positions on the starting grid are allocated on practice times.
1869Duke of Argyll Primeval Man iv. 145 Man..must always have had instincts which afford all that is required as a *starting-ground for advance in the mechanical arts.1873M. Arnold Lit. & Dogma (1876) 63 The more we meditate on this starting-ground of theirs, the more we shall find that there is solidity in it.
1876Preece & Sivewright Telegraphy 131 The receiver has also a switch in connection with the *starting handle.1886D. Clerk Gas Engine ix. 242 The starting handle is then let go, and the motor piston runs over its ports.1932D. L. Sayers Have his Carcase xii. 145 After..exercise on the starting⁓handle, they had diagnosed trouble with the ignition.1973P. Audemars Delicate Dust of Death x. 136 They left the bus... Perhaps they could not start it... I tried the starting handle myself. It was jammed.
1906*Starting-line [see repair station s.v. repair n.2].1920[see baton n. 2 b].1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio x. 173 Anything but sheer surrealism was doomed to remain stickily on the starting-line.1974Howard Jrnl. XIV. 84 In a meritocratic society those whose powers of oral and written expression are extremely limited are left at the starting line in the race for social status.1982J. Jarver Athletics Fundamentals 20/1 The aim of the sprint start is to get the athlete away from the starting line as fast as possible.
1793Burns Let. to Thomson Sept. (Globe) 536 The old way, and the way to give most effect, is to have no *starting-note, as the fiddlers call it, but to burst at once into the pathos.1829Cunningham Brit. Painters I. 275 Most of the songs of Burns..are constructed on the stray verse or vagrant line of some forgotten bard. But then the poet only employed those as the starting notes to his own inimitable strains.
1935‘N. Blake’ Question of Proof ii. 30 Get set! Go!! That was the *starting-pistol you heard.1962A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio x. 178 A modified revolver is better than a starting pistol.
1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. i. xxxi. (1674) 36 Injustice was used in the inequality of the *starting-places.1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. II. vi. iii, Paris and every City of them, starting-place, course, and goal of said sacrilegious forced march, shall [etc.].1874Marq. Dufferin in Sir A. Lyall Life (1906) I. 238 Our original starting-place was Quebec.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) III. 510 Runners, who run well from the starting-place to the goal.
1840Mill Coleridge Diss. 1859 I. 403 Every consistent scheme of philosophy requires as its *starting-point, a theory [etc.].1844Kinglake Eothen xvii, Here we met in the wilderness at about half-way from our respective starting-points.1848R. I. Wilberforce Doctr. Incarnation i. (1852) 10 Rationalism makes the individual the starting-point for all improvement, whereas the Church's starting-point is Christ.1858Lady Morgan Autobiog. (1859) Pref. 8 My original intention was to publish an autobiography from my starting-point on a certain Christmas Day.1874Green Short Hist. ii. §1. 60 The countries of Scandinavia which had so long been the mere starting-points of the pirate-bands.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 502 A neuro-paralytic hyperæmia..is sometimes the starting-point of eczema.
1758Johnson Idler No. 6 ⁋8 Let an equestrian statue of this heroine be erected near the *starting post on the heath of Newmarket.1819Byron Juan iii. xxi, All feelings which o'erleap the years long lost, And bring our hearts back to their starting-post.1852J. F. Bateman Aquatic Notes 41 The starting-posts were 140 feet apart.1892Westcott Gospel of Life 46 It is as true in metaphysics as it is in physics that the goal of yesterday is the starting-post of to-day.
1910Encycl. Brit. X. 422/1 Such are the *starting-powder, which first catches fire, the bursting powder which causes the final explosion, and the quick-match [of a firework].
1854Poultry Chron. II. 127 A great number of the lots were claimed at the *starting price, 5s.1891Daily News 17 Nov. 7/1 The plaintiff was a starting-price bookmaker.1901Westm. Gaz. 20 Nov. 7/3 Mr. Hawke promises to bring very telling testimony..before the Select Committee..particularly with regard to starting-price betting.
1969H. Perkin Key Profession iv. 138 New assistant lecturers and junior lecturers..came in..at *starting salaries much lower than those in schoolteaching.1973Nature 7 Dec. p. i, Starting salary would be in the vicinity of {pstlg}3,000.

Add:[2.] [b.] starting rotation: see *rotation n. 2 e.
II. starting, ppl. a.|ˈstɑːtɪŋ|
[f. start v. + -ing2.]
That starts, in various senses of the verb: leaping, bounding, hence full of energy; making sudden movements; suffering displacement or disintegration, etc.
c1420Anturs of Arthur 511 (Thornton MS.) One a stirtande stede he strykes one straye.1545Joye Exp. Dan. vii. P vij b, The scole doctors of diuinite..what new strange sterting termes they haue invented.1545R. Ascham Toxoph. ii. (Arb.) 125 Againe Hulder, black thorne, Serues tree [etc.] make holow, starting, studding, gaddynge shaftes.1598Dallington Meth. Trav. G 4, [Henri IV] his nature stirting and full of life, like a true French man.1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. iv. v. 2 With starting courage, Giue with thy Trumpet a loud note to Troy.1608Dekker Dead Term Wks. (Grosart) IV. 44 The eyes of euery Straunger, and of euery starting Passenger be cast vp vppon mee.1628Feltham Resolves i. x. 26 What feares and cares affright the starting sleepes of the couetous?1648Hexham ii, Een schouw-peerdt, a starting Horse.1712Steele Spect. No. 398 ⁋6 Your starting Manner of Writing,..has in it something very unaccountable.1718Rowe tr. Lucan i. 364 Stiff rose his starting hair, he stood dismay'd.1757W. Wilkie Epigoniad iii. 72 Behind his ear the starting weapon shone.1787Polwhele Engl. Orator ii. 209 When now the starting Tear Of filial Duty trembles.1817Shelley Rev. Islam xi. viii, But still there clung One hope, like a keen sword on starting threads uphung.1878R. B. Smith Carthage 89 The starting timbers of the unseasoned wood of which the ships were built.
Hence ˈstartingly adv., with a start; by starts; impetuously, fitfully.
1604Shakes. Oth. iii. iv. 79 Why do you speake so startingly and rash?1636Featly Serm. in Strict. Lyndom. (1638) ii. 174 In a Fever..it [the pulse] beateth unevenly and startingly.a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xiv. 119 You startingly awaked.1827Moore Alciphron iii. 127 As startingly her eyes she rais'd.1841Fraser's Mag. XXIII. 315 Then startingly the pheasant springeth forth.




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