

单词 decimal
释义 decimal, a. and n.|ˈdɛsɪməl|
[ad. med.L. decimāl-is of or pertaining to tenths or tithes, f. L. decima tenth, tithe; whence sense 2, and F. décimal in sense ‘relating to tithes’ (13th c. in Godef.); in mod. use, treated as derivative of L. decimus tenth, or decem ten, in which sense the F. word was admitted by the Academy only in 1762.]
A. adj.
1. a. Relating to tenth parts, or to the number ten; proceeding by tens.
decimal arithmetic: the common arithmetic in which the Arabic or decimal notation is used; in a restricted sense the arithmetic of decimals or decimal fractions (see b). decimal classification (or decimal system), a system of classifying library or archival material with a numerical notation subdivided as a decimal fraction allowing expansion after any figure; spec. the Dewey system. decimal numeration, the numerical system generally prevalent in all ages, of which 10 forms the basis; i.e. in which the units have distinct names up to 10, and the higher numbers are expressed by multiples or powers of 10 with the units added as required. decimal coinage or decimal currency, a monetary system in which each successive division or denomination is ten times the value of that next below it; so decimal system of weights and measures, one in which the successive denominations rise by tens, as in the French metric system.
1608R. Norton tr. Stevin (title) Disme: The Art of Tenths, or Decimall Arithmetike, teaching how to performe all computations whatsoeuer, by whole numbers without fractions, by the foure principles of common Arithmeticke.. Invented [1585] by the excellent Mathematician Simon Stevin.1619H. Lyte Art of Tens or Decimall Arithmeticke 24 Here followeth two Tables of Decimall accounts for money.1659T. Pecke Parnassi Puerp. 154 Some Magistrates, void Cyphers we may call: Uselesse, but to make others Decimal.1684Lond. Gaz. No. 1985/4 Cocker's Decimal Arithmetick: Shewing the nature and use of Decimal Fractions.1782Gouv. Morris in Sparks Life & Writ. (1832) I. 273 It is very desirable that money should be increased in decimal ratio.1841Elphinstone Hist. Ind. I. 245 The Hindús are distinguished in arithmetic by the acknowledged invention of the decimal notation.1842Times 23 Apr. 6/2 The standard measures are to be restored under the superintendence of three scientific gentlemen, who are inclined to introduce the decimal system.1854William Brown (title) Decimal coinage. A letter..to Francis Shand, Esq. chairman of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce.1858Trollope Three Clerks I. xi. 243 The much-vexed question of penny versus pound, as touching the new standard for the decimal coinage.1864Colenso Arithmetic (1874) 145 ‘Decimal Coinage’, A Decimal Coinage..has been recommended for adoption by a Committee of the House of Commons.1876M. Dewey in Public Libraries in U.S.A. i. xxviii. 623 (sub-heading) A decimal classification and subject-index.1885[see Dewey].1930Library Jrnl. 13 Dec. 1000 Why the Science Library adopted the Universal Decimal Classification.1948S. C. Bradford Documentation iii. 26 In 1883, a decimal classification was introduced in the Bodleian Library..and..is still in use.1963Rep. Comm. Inquiry Decimal Currency ii. 8 By far the most common decimal currency systems are two-place systems in which the major unit is divided into one hundred minor units or ‘cents’.1971Guardian 22 Feb. 5/2 Bus services in many towns and cities went decimal yesterday.
b. decimal fraction ( decimal number): a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten (10, 100, 1000, etc.); spec. a fraction expressed (by an extension of the ordinary Arabic notation) by figures written to the right of the units figure after a dot or point (the decimal point), and denoting respectively so many tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. The number of decimal places ( parts) is the number of figures after the decimal point.
decimal thirds: the parts expressed by a decimal fraction to 3 places, i.e. thousandths; so d. fourths, etc. (For a historical sketch of the notation of decimal fractions, the introduction of the decimal point, etc., see W. W. R. Ball, Short Hist. Mathem. (1888) 176.)
1616E. Wright tr. Napier's Logarithms 19 Logarithms..to fall upon decimal numbers..which are easie to be added or abated to or from any other number.1660Willsford Scales Comm. 60, 094/1000l, which decimal fraction is 1s. 10½d.Ibid. 69, 1.060000..is a mixt decimal fraction.Ibid. 70 To finde Decimal Numbers for any parts of a year, as moneths, weeks.1674S. Jeake Arith. (1696) 222 So 0,003125 divided by 0,125, shall make the Quotient Decimal Thirds.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. s.v. Decimal, There must be just as many Decimal Parts cut off by the Separating Point, from the Product, as there are Decimals in both Factors.1706W. Jones Introd. Math. 103 A Figure in the 1st, 2d, 3d, etc. Decimal Place, is 10, 100, 1000, etc. times less than if it were an Integer.1840Lardner Geom. 61 The number expressing the circumference of the circle has been determined to 140 decimal places.1873J. Hamblin Smith Arith. (ed. 6) 79 Placing a decimal point at the end of the Dividend, and affixing as many zeros as we please.Ibid. 83 A Vulgar Fraction may be converted into a Decimal Fraction.
c. Of or relating to a decimal coinage, a decimal system of weights and measures, etc.
1859Sat. Rev. VIII. 13/2 The decimal project.Ibid., During the progress of the decimal agitation.
2. Relating to tithes. Obs.
1641‘Smectymnuus’ Vind. Answ. §10. 106 Can one Bishop..discharge all businesses belonging to testamentary and decimall causes and suites?1653Milton Hirelings Wks. (1851) 377, I see them still so loth to unlearn their decimal Arithmetic, and still grasp thir Tithes.a1662Heylin Hist. Presbyterians (1670) 469 (D.) The jurisdiction of Ecclesiastical Courts in causes testamentary, decimal, and matrimonial.
B. n.
1. A tenth part. Obs.
1641Wilkins Math. Magick i. xiii. (1648) 89 As a decimall, or one tenth.1665Hooke Microgr. C j b, And the inches..I subdivide into Decimals.1669Sturmy Mariner's Mag. iv. iij. 156 If you keep your Account by Arithmetick, by Decimals or 10 Parts.
2. a. A decimal fraction (see 1 b); in pl. often = the arithmetic of decimal fractions, ‘decimal arithmetic’ (see 1): cf. conics.
recurring decimal: one in which the exact equivalent to a common fraction can be expressed only by the continual repetition of one or more decimal figures; called repeating d. when one figure recurs as ·111 etc., written ·1. (= 1/9), and circulating d. when two or more recur as ·1.42857. (= 1/7).
1651R. Jager (title), Artificial Arithmetick in Decimals.1660Willsford Scales Comm. 83, I find the decimal..·971286.Ibid. 87 According to the rules of Multiplication in Decimals.1706W. Jones Introd. Math. 107 When a Decimal..is to be multiplied by an Unit with Cyphers.1805Syd. Smith Elem. Mor. Philos. (1850) 180 The decimal of a farthing.1816J. Smith Panorama Sc. & Art II. 41 The force of the wind on a square foot, would have been 29 pounds and a decimal.1858Lardner Handbk. Nat. Phil. 23 A portion..expressed by the decimal 0·036065.
b. fig. A ‘fraction’; a (small) portion or part.
1869Blackmore Lorna D. (1889) 265 Beholding..faintest decimal of promise.1892W. W. Peyton Memorab. Jesus I. 1 Fractions of doubts and decimals of guesses.
Hence ˈdecimalism, a decimal system or theory. ˈdecimalist, an advocate of a decimal system (of coinage, or weights and measures). ˈdecimalization, the process of decimalizing. ˈdecimalize v., to render decimal, reduce to a decimal system, divide into tenths (trans. and absol.).
1864Webster, Decimalism.1859Sat. Rev. VIII. 13/2 The ranks of the decimalists.1887Ibid. 11 June 831/1 The decimalists..pester the general community with mils..and dimes and half dimes.1855R. Slater (title), Inquiry into the Principles involved in the Decimalisation of the Weights, Measures, etc., of the U.K.1887Longm. Mag. Sept. 517 The subject of our coinage and its decimalisation.1856Leisure Hour V. 231/2 If we begin with the sovereign, and decimalize downwards, we come first to the florin.1859Sat. Rev. VIII. 13/2 The decimalizing opinions of the ‘Standard’ Commissioners.1867Contemp. Rev. IV. 19 There would be no advantage in decimalizing the penny; the halfpenny and farthing are all we want.




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