

单词 fire
1. burning, heat, or enthusiasm2. shooting or attacking3. dismissal
(faɪəʳ )
burning, heat, or enthusiasm
Word forms: fires , firing , fired
1. uncountable noun A2
Fire is the hot, bright flames produced by things that are burning.
They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky.
Many students were trapped by smoke and fire on an upper floor.
2. variable noun A2
Fire or a fire is an occurrence of uncontrolled burning which destroys buildings, forests, or other things.
87 people died in the fire.
A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening.
Much of historic Rennes was destroyed by fire in 1720.
Synonyms: flames, blaze, combustion, inferno  
3. countable noun A2
A fire is a burning pile of wood, coal, or other fuel that you make, for example to use for heat, light, or cooking.
There was a fire in the grate.
After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence.
4. countable noun [oft noun NOUN]
A fire is a device that uses electricity or gas to give out heat and warm a room. [mainly British]
The gas fire was still alight.
She switched on one bar of the electric fire.
regional note:   in AM, usually use heater
Synonyms: heater, radiator, convector  
5. verb
When a pot or clay object is fired, it is heated at a high temperature in a special oven, as part of the process of making it.
After the pot is dipped in this mixture, it is fired. [be VERB-ed]
I have watched the potters fire and paint their bowls and vases. [VERB noun]
firing Word forms: firings variable noun
When soft woods are used for the firing, the clay turns dark from the smoke.
6. verb
When the engine of a motor vehicle fires, an electrical spark is produced which causes the fuel to burn and the engine to work.
The engine fired and we moved off. [VERB]
7. verb [usually passive]
If a machine is fired with a particular fuel, it operates by means of that fuel.
The engines were fired with coal and needed water to keep the steam up. [be V-ed with n]
8. verb
If you fire someone with enthusiasm, you make them feel very enthusiastic. If you fire someone's imagination, you make them feel interested and excited.
...the potential to fire the imagination of an entire generation. [VERB noun]
It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion. [VERB noun + with]
Both his grandfathers were fired with an enthusiasm for public speaking. [be VERB-ed + with]
By Monday, the President had returned, apparently fired with new determination. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: inspire, excite, stir, stimulate  
9. uncountable noun
You can use fire to refer in an approving way to someone's energy and enthusiasm. [approval]
I went to hear him speak and was very impressed. He seemed so full of fire.
His punishing schedule seemed to dim his fire at times.
Synonyms: passion, force, light, energy  
10. to catch fire phrase B1
If an object or substance catches fire, it starts burning.
My home catches fire and everything is destroyed.
The aircraft caught fire soon after take-off.
Synonyms: ignite, flare up, burst into flames, burn  
11. to catch fire phrase [VERB inflects]
If a situation or event catches fire, it begins to be exciting and successful.
The play only really catches fire once Aschenbach falls in love.
12. to fight fire with fire phrase [VERB inflects]
If you fight fire with fire, you deal with people attacking or threatening you by using similar methods to the ones that they are using.
The only way they can deal with crime is to fight fire with fire.
13. fire in your belly phrase [belly inflects, PHRASE after verb, with PHR]
If you say that someone has fire in their belly, you are expressing approval of them because they are energetic, enthusiastic, and have very strong feelings. [approval]
Rocco does not have the same fire in his belly as his father.
14. on fire phrase B1+
If something is on fire, it is burning and being damaged or destroyed by an uncontrolled fire.
The captain radioed that the ship was on fire.
Synonyms: burning, flaming, blazing, alight  
15. on fire phrase [usually verb-link PHRASE, PHR with n]
If you say that someone is on fire, you mean they are very enthusiastic, excited, or passionate about something.
He was on fire with this marvelous sight.
16. to play with fire phrase
If you say that someone is playing with fire, you mean that they are doing something dangerous that may result in great harm for them and cause many problems.
Those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire.
17. to set fire to something phrase B2
If you set fire to something or if you set it on fire, you start it burning in order to damage or destroy it.
They set fire to vehicles outside that building.
Lightning set several buildings on fire.
18. to have irons in the fire phrase
If someone has a lot of irons in the fire, they are involved in several different activities or have several different plans.
Too many irons in the fire can sap your energy and prevent you from seeing which path to take.
19. like a house on fire phrase
If two people get on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends, for example because they have many interests in common. [informal]
20. there's no smoke without fire phrase
If someone says there's no smoke without fire or where there's smoke there's fire, they mean that there are rumours or signs that something is true so it must be at least partly true.
Phrasal verbs:
fire up
1. phrasal verb
If you fire up a machine, you switch it on.
Put on a helmet, fire up your engine and head out on the open road. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb
If you fire someone up, you make them feel very enthusiastic or motivated.
The president knows his task is to fire up the delegates. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
(faɪəʳ )
shooting or attacking
Word forms: fires , firing , fired
1. verb B2
If someone fires a gun or a bullet, or if they fire, a bullet is sent from a gun that they are using.
Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds. [VERB noun]
New guns firing high explosive shells were incorporated into the battlefield. [VERB noun]
The gun was fired and Beaton was wounded a second time. [VERB noun]
Seventeen people were killed when security forces fired on demonstrators. [VERB + on]
They were firing. I screamed at them to stop. [VERB]
Synonyms: shoot, explode, discharge, detonate  
firing uncountable noun
They were under constant firing from the guns.
The firing continued even while the protestors were fleeing.
2. uncountable noun
You can use fire to refer to the shots fired from a gun or guns.
His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons.
The two were reportedly killed in an exchange of fire during a police raid.
Synonyms: bombardment, shooting, firing, shelling  
3. verb B2
If you fire an arrow, you send it from a bow.
He fired an arrow into a clearing in the forest. [VERB noun]
4. verb
If you fire questions at someone, you ask them a lot of questions very quickly, one after another.
They were bombarded by more than 100 representatives firing questions on pollution. [VERB noun]
5. uncountable noun [poss NOUN]
You can use fire to refer to someone's strong criticisms of something.
Synonyms: criticism, condemnation, disapproval, stick [slang]  
6. to draw someone's fire phrase [VERB inflects]
If you draw fire from someone, you cause them to shoot at you, for example because they think that you are threatening them.
Crowds elsewhere drew fire from troops.
7. draw fire phrase
If you draw fire for something that you have done, you cause people to criticize you or attack you because of it.
The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute.
The campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates.
8. hang fire phrase [VERB inflects]
If you hang fire, you delay making a decision about something.
All I can suggest is that you just hang fire and wait a minute or two and try again.
Last week, banks and building societies were hanging fire on interest rates.
Synonyms: put off, delay, stall, be slow  
9. hold your fire phrase
If someone holds their fire or holds fire, they stop shooting or they wait before they start shooting.
Devereux ordered his men to hold their fire until the ships got closer.
10. hold fire phrase
If you hold fire in a situation, you delay before taking action.
Their plan was to hold fire until they could appoint someone on a permanent basis.
11. line of fire phrase
If you are in the line of fire, you are in a position where someone is aiming their gun at you. If you move into their line of fire, you move into a position between them and the thing they were aiming at.
He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.
The man and his son had been pushed into the line of fire by their captors.
12. to open fire phrase
If you open fire on someone, you start shooting at them.
Then without warning, the troops opened fire on the crowd.
13. to return fire phrase
If you return fire or you return someone's fire, you shoot back at someone who has shot at you.
The soldiers returned fire after being attacked.
14. under fire phrase
If you come under fire or are under fire, someone starts shooting at you.
The Belgians fell back as the infantry came under fire.
...sending aid to cities which have been under fire for weeks now.
15. under fire phrase
If you come under fire from someone or are under fire, they criticize you strongly.
The president's plan came under fire for including spending cuts.
16. to fire from the hip phrase
If you say that someone shoots from the hip or fires from the hip, you mean that they react to situations or give their opinion very quickly, without stopping to think.
Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.
Phrasal verbs:
fire away
phrasal verb
If someone wants to say or ask something, you can say ' fire away' as a way of showing that you are ready for them to speak. [informal]
'May I ask you something?'—'Sure. Fire away.' [VERB PARTICLE]
fire off
1. phrasal verb
If you fire off a shot, you send a bullet or other missile from a gun.
A gunman fired off a volley of shots into the air. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Cecil now began to panic and fired off two distress rockets. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
...an illustration of a guy firing a huge cannon off into the distance. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If you fire off a letter, email, question, or remark, you send or say it very quickly, often as part of a series.
He immediately fired off an angry letter to his ministry colleagues. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Officers fired off a string of demands to improve their pay and conditions. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
(faɪəʳ )
Word forms: fires , firing , fired
If an employer fires you, they dismiss you from your job.
If he hadn't been so good at the rest of his job, I probably would have fired him. [VERB noun]
She was sent a box of chocolates along with a letter saying she was fired. [be VERB-ed]
Synonyms: dismiss, sack [informal], get rid of, discharge  
firing Word forms: firings countable noun
There was yet another round of firings.
Fight fire with fire
Fire is a good servant but a bad master
If you play with fire you get burnt
Out of the frying pan, into the fire
set the heather on fire [mainly Scottish]
to be very exciting and successful
Their results have not set the heather on fire.
add fuel to the fire
to make a bad situation worse
You must not take the route of trying to borrow your way out of trouble. This really would be adding fuel to the fire.
out of the frying pan into the fire
from a bad situation to an even worse one
I was hoping to get my career back on track at Everton, after a bad time at Villa. But as it turned out, I'd gone out of the frying pan into the fire.
play with fire
to behave in a very risky way that means that you are likely to have problems
Schulte warned government and industrial leaders that those who even venture to think about mass layoffs are playing with fire.
light a fire under someone [mainly US]
to force someone to take action or to start behaving in the way you want
They need to crank up their technical research and light a fire under their marketing force.
hold fire or hold your fire
to delay doing something, for example attacking or criticizing someone, because you are waiting to see what will happen
The administration will hold its fire until it sees the detail of the bill, but is likely then to oppose it.
hang fire
to wait and not do anything for a while
Banks and building societies are hanging fire on interest rates to see how the French vote in their referendum.
fight fire with fire
to use the same methods of fighting and the same amount of force as your opponent
The chancellor answered by fighting fire with fire. He attacked Mr Brown for wasting so much time and energy on the issue.
draw someone's fire
to do or say something which makes someone strongly criticize you
Their first substantial work was the flats at Ham Common in 1957. This immediately drew the fire of the architectural establishment.
do something with fire in your belly
to do something in a very enthusiastic, energetic, and passionate way
Some people claim he has changed his style, but Ian has played with fire in his belly throughout his career.
come under fire or be under fire
to be strongly criticized
The president's plan first came under fire from critics who said he didn't include enough spending cuts.
catch fire
to become exciting or entertaining
The play only really catches fire once Aschenbach falls in love.
breathe fire
to be very angry about something
It doesn't take long before she's breathing fire at me after I ask about recent claims that she doesn't have quite the financial muscle of her fellow potential investors.
the fat is in the fire
said to mean that someone has said or done something which is going to upset other people and cause a lot of trouble
Immediately the fat was in the fire, for the minister had broken all the rules.
fire on all cylinders
to do a task with great enthusiasm and energy
I saw her a few weeks ago and she was firing on all cylinders. I don't think she would know what to do with herself if she didn't work.
fire blanks [British]
to fail to achieve anything although you are trying very hard
'This discovery must have come as a welcome relief as they must have thought that they were firing blanks in the exploration department.
a baptism of fire
a first experience of a new situation that is very difficult or unpleasant
They have given themselves a baptism of fire by playing what many would consider the four best teams in the world.
have a lot of irons in the fire
to be involved in several different activities or have several different plans at the same time, so that it is likely that something will succeed even if other things fail
`I will be earning a lot more money,' he says, declining to say how much more. `I also have a number of other irons in the fire.'
get on like a house on fire
if two people get on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends, for example because they have similar interests
I went over and struck up a conversation, and we got on like a house on fire.
in the line of fire
in a position where you are likely to be criticized or attacked
All very well to say that, when you're not in the line of fire like me.
fire a warning shot across someone's bows or fire a shot across someone's bows
to do something which shows that you are prepared to oppose someone strongly if they do not stop or change what they are doing
Britain's agriculture minister departed from his prepared speech to fire a shot across Norway's bows.
there's no smoke without fire
said to mean that an unpleasant rumour or unlikely story is likely to be at least partly true, as otherwise nobody would be talking about it
I was incredibly upset by the story. It was the main item on the news and people were bound to think there was no smoke without fire.
not set the Thames on fire
to not be very exciting or successful
They both had reasonably successful careers in London, without exactly setting the Thames on fire.
not set the world on fire
to not be exciting and to be unlikely to be very successful
You've done some good solid work, but you haven't yet set the world on fire.
blazing fire
There are sofas and a blazing fire, followed by an open-plan bar and dining room.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Ideally it should have a blazing log fire, and somebody who puts a drink in your hand fairly quickly!
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It's the warmth of the welcome you notice here as much as the heat from the blazing fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
cause a fire
It is not known what caused the fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
It was initially thought an electrical fault could have caused the fire.
The Sun (2014)
A fire caused by her mobile phone charger killed her three dogs.
The Sun (2015)
douse a fire
On deck, they worked frantically to douse the fires.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445 (2007)
At one point they had to go outside to douse a fire after rioters tried to set a gas main alight.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Luckily three friends in the chalet did wake up and doused the fire.
The Sun (2007)
electrical fire
I had an electrical fire at my home caused by either the fridge freezer or the boiler.
The Sun (2013)
An electrical fire led to the evacuation of the centre court area at 9pm last night.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Electrical fires don't go up in seconds.
The Sun (2010)
enemy fire
Early signs were that the crash was due to mechanical failure, not enemy fire.
The Sun (2009)
He gave crucial first aid and carried him through enemy fire to safety.
The Sun (2008)
Nearly all who helped me then are now dead, killed by bombs, snipers and torture or by enemy fire in combat.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
fire a round
He was kept to the rear lines and says he did not fire a round.
Times, Sunday Times
The brass cases had a paper patch in the base, to prevent powder seepage and still allow the cap to fire the round.
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It has no separate propellant charge, relying on the impulse created by the primer alone to fire a round lead ball.
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Do you think that's reason enough for a tank to fire a round at the hotel where you know there are unarmed journalists?
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fire a volley
Only one company of militia managed to fire a volley before fleeing.
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The line had marched about 50 feet when it was about faced to fire a volley into the advancing enemy.
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The intended tactical employment was to approach the enemy underwater, fire a volley of torpedoes, surface and make a fast getaway.
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The nations of the world band together and fire the volley.
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She has fired a volley of legal papers and correspondence marking the end of their five-year marriage.
The Sun
fire investigator
The insurance company retained a certified fire investigator to investigate the cause and origin of the fire.
Christianity Today
After the incident, a fire investigator found burned matches in the undamaged sacristy area of a chapel located in the basement of the north wing.
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Fire investigators found that the blaze was caused by spontaneous combustion resulting from the rains in the wettest summer for 100 years.
Times, Sunday Times
The terraced house was last night cordoned off as police and fire investigators worked to discover the cause of the blaze.
The Sun
Fire investigators said that they had not ruled out arson.
Times, Sunday Times
fire pit
It has a yurt sleeping five (35 per night) and a bell tent sleeping two (20), each with a fire pit.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Features a huge banqueting hall, moat and a fire pit.
The Sun (2015)
The dome has its own decking area with BBQ and funky fire pit.
The Sun (2016)
The following morning, I pour some coffee into a tin cup and wander over to the fire pit.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
fire protection
It was mostly used as insulation and for fire protection.
Times, Sunday Times
Fire protection experts yesterday accused ministers of ignoring demands to make sprinkler systems compulsory in large warehouses.
Times, Sunday Times
It uncovered problems such as missing cavity barriers to stop fire spreading inside walls and a lack of fire protection to steelwork.
Times,Sunday Times
Triangle operated from the upper three floors of a 10-storey building, but it had better fire protection than many.
Times, Sunday Times
He owned his own business in the fire protection industry and also spent time as an accountant, manager and systems analyst.
Times, Sunday Times
fire rages
He had been jailed for arson, so questions are asked when a forest fire rages through the region (extraordinary firefighting scenes here).
Times, Sunday Times
The fire rages on and no one seems to know why.
The Sun
Although she's already been suspended for her earlier reckless action - including kicking a patient - she can't resist getting involved when a barn fire rages out of control.
The Sun
It hardly needs stating how that fire rages today.
Times, Sunday Times
The fire rages, but the wind turns and threatens the village.
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fire spreads
An olive grove is alight, fire spreading in the dry heat, and the hillside is consumed by flames.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The fire was spreading and spreading, engulfing the dry valley from end to end.
Robert Silverberg KING OF DREAMS (2001)
I grabbed a fire extinguisher and managed to stop the fire spreading.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Witnesses told how the fire spread rapidly.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Families were ordered to leave a naval base as the fire spread to its firing range.
The Sun (2013)
fire starter
It includes survival blanket, miniature light, fire starter, waxed thread, waterproof matches, fishing kit, hand saw, cotton ball, fire tinder, sewing kit, signalling mirror and snare wire.
The Sun
The engineers lit the fire starter torches to restart the furnaces.
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Examples of their use includes seasonal wreaths and decorations, fire starters, bird feeders, toys, etc.
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Some fungi, types of polypores loosely called mushrooms, have been used as fire starters (known as tinder fungi).
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Common substitutes are chimney and electric fire starters.
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fire tear gas
Suddenly the police returned with a vengeance and started to fire tear gas canisters towards the crowd as they attempted to get a fire engine through to the burning car.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout the day, the police continued to fire tear gas, pepper spray and water cannons at demonstrators, resulting in reports of more than 100 injuries.
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Police continued to fire tear gas and chemical-laced water at the buildings.
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Once the 5 minutes have passed, the protesters broke in, causing the police to fire tear gas and water cannons at them.
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The police fired tear gas canisters into the crowd, even targeting students who were on their way home after the demonstration.
Times, Sunday Times
heavy fire
The platoon came under heavy fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
His dash into oncoming heavy fire took place when he and his unit were seeking to snatch weapons from the Taliban.
The Sun (2012)
There was constant firing from the wood into the garden, but there was heavy return fire from the men inside.
A Model Victory (2005)
ignite a fire
Meanwhile, more people are moving into wildland areas, increasing the chance that someone will ignite a fire or be in harm’s way when one begins to grow.
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Ignite some fire in this relationship again.
The Sun
Keep concave mirrors out of direct sunlight, as they can reflect the sun's rays and ignite a fire.
Times, Sunday Times
The explosion did not ignite a fire but the building itself sustained severe damage and its roof was blown off.
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Secondary side-flashes can be enough to ignite a fire, blow apart brick, stone, or concrete, or injure occupants within a structure or building.
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intense fire
He escaped injury from the blast and continued the attack, coming under intense fire again while searching a narrow corridor.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
We had been under sustained and intense fire for three and a half hours, and had casualties of eight killed and five of us wounded.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The intelligence was correct, and the helicopters came under intense fire from the ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
kindle a fire
His appointment was hailed as a welcome spark to kindle the fire of missionary zeal in the hearts of the clergy and laity in his diocese.
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School also celebrates days of national importance, with due reverence to kindle the fire of patriotism and to kindle the harmony and peace with great zeal and fervour.
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And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.
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Brothers, when the white men first set foot on our grounds, they were hungry; they had no place on which to spread their blankets, or to kindle their fires.
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machine-gun fire
I could hear mortar and machine-gun fire.
BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad (2003)
They attacked from heights between 5,000 and 10,000 feet, using a mix of bombs, rockets and machine-gun fire.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445 (2007)
If they were spotted then they could expect to be blown out of the hedgerows by machine-gun fire.
mortar fire
I was woken by mortar fire most nights.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
At the weekend 14 people died as Government and insurgent forces traded mortar fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
A battle had been going on around the house all morning and mortar fire was passing over it from time to time.
The Bullet Catchers (1989)
raging fire
I looked down the corridor to see a raging fire in the main room.
The Sun (2011)
The hero rescues two men from a raging mill fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
This enabled the raging fire to burn virtually unchecked.
Christianity Today (2000)
rifle fire
The enemy attacked in compact masses and were mowed down by machine and rifle fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The dogs came up as fast as they could when they heard the rifle fire.
THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic (2004)
For those defenders, the trenches may have offered some protection from rifle fire.
The Sun (2014)
roaring fire
The kitchen has a roaring fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
A roaring log fire is hard to beat.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
There's also something magical about a roaring fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
rocket fire
The boom of rocket fire could be heard close by.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Across the fields outside, a distant plume of smoke suggested incoming rocket fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Heavy artillery and rocket fire that had kept them pinned to the city outskirts subsided, allowing them to move in.
The Sun (2011)
shell fire
Flying officers lived in comparative luxury behind the lines, and not under shell fire while on the ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
This part of the line was subjected to a very heavy bombardment, and the machinegun section in particular was singled out for an especially heavy shell fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
He soon made the acquaintance of an exploded shell at close quarters and slept for the first time in a neighbourhood searched by shell fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
sniper fire
The town was still in danger of sniper fire and bombing.
Christianity Today (2000)
It scared them more than the constant sniper fire and the mortar bombs that regularly landed in the centre of the city.
The Sun (2011)
Others have been killed by sniper fire or mines while trying to escape or to collect firewood.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
soldiers fired
When we were spotted, soldiers fired at us and lit flares.
Times, Sunday Times
They arrived in the middle of a battle as soldiers fired on protesters.
Times, Sunday Times
But the soldiers fired in the air, so people ran off screaming, and the convoy carried on driving away.
Times, Sunday Times
The report concludes that while some soldiers fired in fear or panic, others did not.
Times, Sunday Times
Police and soldiers fired tear gas, and several people were trampled in the ensuing chaos.
spark a fire
Bungling workmen sparked a fire which gutted two houses and damaged a third.
The Sun (2012)
By this time, the grenades had sparked a fire in the building.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The Indonesian quake wrecked buildings and bridges and sparked fires.
The Sun (2009)
start a fire
She put a few pieces of bacon into the frying pan, started the fire under it, and loaded coffee and water into the percolator.
J. A. Jance HOUR OF THE HUNTER (1991)
A lit mosquito repellent coil or electrical fault may have started the fire.
The Sun (2017)
stoke a fire
Stoke the fire, roast some chestnuts and get reading.
Times, Sunday Times
They're desperate for you to stoke their fire, put some walking boots by their door, open a bottle and hunker down against the elements.
Times, Sunday Times
Hay and corn, recently brought in from the fields, were used to stoke the fire which may have destroyed parts of the abbey.
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Crook has never been afraid to stoke the fires of the anti-liberal camps with her radical ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
They stoke the fires of the furnace, and they throw all three of them in.
Christianity Today
suppress the fire
The storm's winds coupled with seasonally low humidity made conditions difficult for firefighters trying to suppress the fire.
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As with gaseous fire suppressants, condensed aerosol suppressants use clean agents to suppress the fire.
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If the aerosol fails to achieve sufficient density to extinguish the fire, it will still suppress the fire, which will retain significantly lower heat.
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The prescribed natural burn policy was still in effect, and at first no efforts were made to suppress this fire.
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For 15 minutes he fought off the insurgents, suppressing their fire until they eventually gave up and fled.
Times, Sunday Times
tank fire
Artillery and tank fire to the east of the city were followed by heavy machinegun and small arms exchanges.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Tank fire boomed behind the wall of a storeroom where we had hidden just inside.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
He said that eight people were killed by regime mortar and tank fire.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
wood fire
The plaster was old and crumbly, the beams low and the cedar wood fire filled the air with a musky fragrance.
There's a wood fire, exposed stone walls and scuffed wood floors.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The Teepee People, unpolluted by employment, gathered round a wood fire and chanted mournful tunes and ate barbecued chicken legs.




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