time when you are allowed to be away from work or school► holiday British a period of time when you do not have to go to work or school: · I get four weeks' holiday each year.· Work has been so hectic - I really need a holiday.the holidays/summer holidays/school holidays (=the long periods when schools close): · July 20th is the first day of the summer holidays.Christmas/Easter etc holiday: · Last year we spent most of the Christmas holiday at our grandma's.spend your holidays: · As a boy, Luckett spent his holidays here in Ledsham.in/during the holidays: · We try to do as many different activities as we can with the children during the school holidays.
► vacation especially American a period of time when you do not have to go to work or school: · I want you to write about your vacation.· The company allows us 14 vacation days a year.summer/Christmas etc vacation: · Under the new plan, students will have shorter summer vacations and longer winter vacations.spend your vacation: · I spent part of my Christmas vacation with my dad's family.during summer/winter etc vacation: · The skating rink will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. during summer vacation.during somebody's/a vacation: · He worked at the resort during his college vacations.
► break a short holiday from your work or school: · The students get a few days' break in February.spring/winter/Christmas etc break: · Daytona Beach is preparing for the thousands of college students who will arrive for spring break.take a break: · Can you take a break next month?
► day off/afternoon off etc a period of time when you are allowed to be away from work: · Wednesday is my only day off this week.have/take a day off: · I've got a day off on Friday -- I'll come and see you then.· Can you take the morning off tomorrow?
► time off time when you are allowed to be away from your work, in order to rest or do something different: have/take time off: · Is Phyllis taking any time off when you're there?· I'll get some time off around Christmas.
► leave a period of official holiday time, especially for people who are in the army, navy, or police etc: · I get twenty-five days' leave a year.· Phil still has three days' annual leave owing to him.be on leave (=having a holiday): · They got married while he was on leave from the army.
► half-term British a short holiday in the middle of the school term: · It rained all through half-term.· Half-term is the last week in October.