And not just any old envelope, but a special luxury brand with a griffin watermark.
By moving the portrait to the left, engravers made more room for a watermark.
Each print is illustrated and there is an appendix on watermarks.
I am distinguished not by my appearance, but by a watermark.
Penal Policy in a Changing Society stands as the high watermark of what later became known as the treatment model.
The Windows driver provides a wide range of facilities, including laying down watermarks and printing multiple pages per sheet.
This contains an invisible watermark ... detectable only to electronic tills and cash dispensers.The company says it should be impossible to copy.
COLLOCATIONS FROM THE ENTRY►bear/carry a watermark
The sheet bears the watermark ‘1836’.
►digital watermark
The card has a digital watermark detectable only by electronic cash dispensers.
· Penal Policy in a Changing Society stands as the high watermark of what later became known as the treatment model.
Penal Policy in a Changing Society stands as the high watermark of what later became known as the treatment model.
►high/low watermark
Penal Policy in a Changing Society stands as the high watermark of what later became known as the treatment model.
1a special design put onto paper, especially bank notes, that can only be seen when you hold it up to the lightbear/carry a watermark The sheet bears the watermark ‘1836’.2a special mark contained in electronic documents, pictures, music etc that is used to stop people from copying them: The card has a digital watermark detectable only by electronic cash dispensers.3high watermark especially American English the high watermark of a particular process is its most successful time or achievementSYN high pointwatermark of Reagan’s presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance.4high/low watermark American English a line showing the highest or lowest levels of the seaSYN tide-mark British English