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English translation of '一'


  1. (指数目) one
    ⇒ 一辈子 (yībèizi) a lifetime
    ⇒ 一分钟 (yī fēnzhōng) one minute
  2. (= 相同)
    ⇒ 一类人 (yī lèi rén) the same sort of people
    ⇒ 他们是一类人。 (Tāmen shì yī lèi rén.) They are the same sort of people.
    ⇒ 大家观点不一。 (Dàjiā guāndiǎn bùyī.) Everyone has different opinions.
  3. (= 另一)
    ⇒ 传呼机一名寻呼机。 (Chuánhūjī yī míng xúnhūjī.) Pager is another name for a beeper.
  4. (= )
    ⇒ 一屋子烟 (yī wūzi yān) full of smoke
  5. (= )
    ⇒ 一心一意 (yī xīn yī yì) heart and soul
  6. (表示短暂)
    ⇒ 看一看 (kàn yī kàn) take a look
  7. (与`就'连用)
    ⇒ 我一碰杯子,它就掉地上了。 (Wǒ yī pèng bēizi, tā jiù diào dì shang le.) I barely touched the glass, and it fell to the floor.
(yī) is pronounced as 1st tone when it is used by itself to mean the number one for examplein telephone numbers, etc. When it is followed by another syllable it changes itstone depending on the tone of the subsequent syllable. If the subsequent syllableis 1st, 2nd or 3rd tone then it is pronounced as 4th tone , (yì). If the subsequent syllable is a 4th tone, then it is pronounced as a 2nd tone , (yí). For consistency, changes of tone in pinyin are not shown in this book.




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