(of a ligand) having several points from which it can be attached to a central atom
multidentate in American English
(ˌmʌltiˈdenteit, ˌmʌltai-)
having several or many teeth or toothlike processes
Word origin
[1810–20; multi- + dentate]This word is first recorded in the period 1810–20. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: cleavage, dynamic, technique, unitary, zombiemulti- is a combining form meaning “many,” “much,” “multiple,” “many times,” “more thanone,” “more than two,” “composed of many like parts,” “in many respects,” used inthe formation of compound words. Other words that use the affix multi- include: multifilament, multifoil, multihull, multivalent, multiwall