Your demeanor is the way you behave, which gives people an impression of your character and feelings.
...her calm and cheerful demeanor.
Synonyms: behaviour, conduct, manner More Synonyms of demeanor
More Synonyms of demeanor
demeanor in American English
outward behavior; conduct; deportment
: British deˈmeanour
Word origin
ME demenure < demenen, to rule, govern oneself, behave < OFr demener, to lead < de- (L de), from + mener, to lead < LL minare, to drive (cattle) < L minari, to threaten: see menace
Examples of 'demeanor' in a sentence
Hollis had made a point of charming the head nurse, a woman who concealed a good heart behind a lofty demeanor.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
He affected a cheery enough demeanor on the surface, but she could tell it didn't run very deep.
Peter Robinson AFTERMATH (2004)
Despite his usual gruff demeanor, he was impressed with the vessel.
Anderson, Kevin J. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO (2004)