the rapidly diminishing worth of their stock options
Derived forms
diminishingly (diˈminishingly)
Examples of 'diminishing' in a sentence
The quality of her pure country voice shows no sign of diminishing.
The Sun (2006)
The distance between her and the trees scarcely diminishing.
Aldiss, Brian Somewhere East of Life (1994)
But the backlog of questions and complaints is not diminishing.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
And the law of diminishing returns applies.
The Sun (2007)
He has so many important things to say about the diminishing natural world, made more meaningful in these wasteful times.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
All related terms of 'diminishing'
When something diminishes , or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size , importance , or intensity .
to diminish
diminishing returns
In economics , diminishing returns is a situation in which the increase in production, profits , or benefits resulting from something is less than the money or energy that is invested .
law of diminishing returns
Economics See diminishing returns (sense 2 )
diminish the importance of
The importance of something is its quality of being significant , valued, or necessary in a particular situation.