This research aimed to determine the effectivity of duck for snail control.
Anis Nurwidayati, Jastal Jastal, Gunawan Gunawan, Murni Murni 2016, 'Efektivitas Pelepasan Itik dalam Pengendalian Keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensisdi Daerah Fokus Schistosomiasis Napu, Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah', Bulletin of Health Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
There was no significant difference in effectivity of the vaccine between the 2 groups.
Muljati Prijanto, Sarwo Handayani, Farida S., Siti Mariani S., Sarminto Sarminto,Tri Haryanto 2012, 'EFEKTIVITAS PEMBERIAN IMUNISASI DPT PADA BAYI USIA 2 BULAN DI YOGYAKARTA: II Efektivitasvaksin pertusis', Bulletin of Health Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Cost and effectivity of model and routine care will be estimated using cost-effectiveness analyses.
Anne Neumann, Enno Swart, Dennis Häckl, Roman Kliemt, Stefanie March, Denise Küster,Katrin Arnold, Thomas Petzold, Fabian Baum, Martin Seifert, Jessika Weiß, Andrea Pfennig,Jochen Schmitt 2018, 'The influence of cross-sectoral treatment models on patients with mental disordersin Germany: study protocol of a nationwide long-term evaluation study (EVA64)', BMC Psychiatry Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A simple cost-effectivity analysis for the anesthesia types was performed.
Egemen Ayhan, Emre Ozdemir, Ender Gumusoglu, Kadir Cevik, Metin M Eskandari 2018, 'The rise of wide awake hand surgery - Contribution from Turkey', Hand and Microsurgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Measurement of this approach's effectivity has been conducted.
Юрий Викторович Мазуревич, Андрей Александрович Болдак 2015, 'Display graphical information optimization methods in a client-server informationsystem', ScienceRise Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The study reports on the effectivity of thoracic sympathectomy in 1997–2003.
Giedrius Kviecinskas, Artūras Razbadauskas, Rimvydas Gutauskas 2004, 'Raynaud fenomenas: ankstyvieji chirurginio gydymo rezultatai', Lietuvos Chirurgija Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The effectivity of colchicine in the prevention of adhesions was investigated.
İhsan Yıldız, Yavuz Savas Koca 2015, 'To Investigate the Effect of Colchicine in Prevention of Adhesions Caused by SerosalDamage in Rats', Surgery Research and Practice Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (