the square of a body of any size of type, used as a unit of measurement
hold 'em
a variety of poker in which each player is dealt two cards face down and may use either or both of them, in combination with any of five cards dealt face up and shared by all players, to form the best possible hand
a book, film, TV show , video game, etc. characterized by much violent content , gunplay, etc., esp. one in the western , crime , or war genres
A shoot-em-up is a computer game that involves shooting and killing characters .
knock 'em dead
said to someone to increase their confidence before they appear or do something in public, especially something formal such as giving a speech in front of a crowd
Texas hold 'em
a popular variety of poker in which each player can use any or all of five shared cards in combination with either or both of two private cards to form the best possible hand of five cards
knock them/'em dead
To knock them dead means to impress people a great deal , especially with your appearance.