A fern is a plant that has long stems with feathery leaves and no flowers. There are manytypes of fern.
fern in British English
any tracheophyte plant of the phylum Filicinophyta, having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores formed in structures (sori) on the fronds
See also tree fern
any of certain similar but unrelated plants, such as the sweet fern
Derived forms
fernlike (ˈfernˌlike)
ferny (ˈferny)
Word origin
Old English fearn; related to Old High German farn, Sanskrit parná leaf
fern in American English
any of a widespread division (Filicophyta) of nonflowering embryophytes having roots, stems, and fronds, and reproducing by spores instead of by seeds
Derived forms
ferny (ˈferny)
Word origin
ME < OE fearn < IE *porno-, leaf, feather (> Sans parna, feather, leaf) < base *per-, to transport, fly > fare
Q I bought a lady fern last winter but the stems are green instead of red.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
In other languages
British English: fern /fɜːn/ NOUN
A fern is a plant with long stems, thin leaves, and no flowers.
American English: fern
Arabic: سَرْخَس
Brazilian Portuguese: samambaia
Chinese: 蕨
Croatian: paprat
Czech: kapradina
Danish: bregne
Dutch: varen
European Spanish: helecho
Finnish: saniainen
French: fougère
German: Farnkraut
Greek: φτέρη
Italian: felce
Japanese: シダ
Korean: 고사리
Norwegian: bregne
Polish: paproć
European Portuguese: feto
Romanian: ferigă
Russian: папоротник
Latin American Spanish: helecho
Swedish: ormbunke
Thai: ต้นเฟิร์น
Turkish: eğrelti otu
Ukrainian: папороть
Vietnamese: dương xỉ
All related terms of 'fern'
deer fern
a common tufted erect fern of the polypody family, Blechnum spicant, having dark-green lanceolate leaves: it prefers acid soils, and in the US is sometimes grown as deer feed
fern bar
a fashionable bar or restaurant decorated mainly with plants, including ferns
fern root
the edible root of a fern
fern seed
the minute particles by which ferns reproduce themselves, formerly thought to be invisible . Possession of them was thought to make a person invisible
hard fern
a common tufted erect fern of the polypody family, Blechnum spicant, having dark-green lanceolate leaves: it prefers acid soils , and in the US is sometimes grown as deer feed
king fern
a New Zealand fern , Marattia salicina , with long heavy fronds
lady fern
a large, graceful , but variable fern , Athyrium filix-femina, with bipinnate fronds , commonly found on damp acid soils in woods and on hillsides
male fern
a fern, Dryopteris filix-mas, having scaly stalks and pinnate fronds with kidney-shaped spore-producing bodies on the underside : family Polypodiaceae
Man fern
an Australian tree fern , Dicksonia antarctica , with a thick trunk and large spreading green fronds
oak fern
a graceful light green polypody fern, Thelypteris dryopteris, having a creeping rhizome , found in acid woodlands and on rocks in the northern hemisphere
pig fern
giant bracken
seed fern
any of an extinct class (Pteridospermae) of Paleozoic, fernlike cycads that bore naked seeds upon their leaves
tree fern
any of numerous large tropical ferns , mainly of the family Cyatheaceae , having a trunklike stem bearing fronds at the top
wall fern
a small, hardy fern ( Polypodium virginianum ) of the most common family (Polypodiaceae) of ferns, with densely matted , creeping stems , found on cliffs and walls in E North America and often grown in gardens
basket fern
a small, compact fern , Nephrolepis pectinata , of tropical America, often grown in hanging baskets
beech fern
a fern , Thelypteris phegopteris , that grows in damp N temperate woods and hills : family Polypodiaceae
Boston fern
a cultivated fern ( Nephrolepis exaltata var . bostoniensis ) with odd-pinnate leaves, used as a house plant
coral fern
a scrambling fern of the genus Gleichenia, having repeatedly forked fronds
fancy fern
a common fern , Dryopteris austriaca spinulosa , having delicate , lacy leaves and used extensively in floral arrangements
filmy fern
any fern of the family Hymenophyllaceae , growing in humid regions and having thin translucent leaves
grape fern
any of various ferns of the genus Botrychium, esp B. lunaria, which has crescent-shaped leaflets
ladder fern
any fern of the tropical genus Nephrolepis , some species of which are grown as ornamental greenhouse or house plants for their handsome deeply-cut drooping fronds : family Polypodiaceae
marsh fern
a fern of marshy woodlands , Thelypteris palustris, having pale green pinnate leaves and an underground rootstock
royal fern
a fern , Osmunda regalis , of damp regions, having large fronds up to 2 metres (7 feet) in height, some of which are modified for bearing spores : family Osmundaceae
shield fern
any temperate woodland fern of the genus Polystichum having shield-shaped flaps covering the spore-producing bodies: family Aspleniaceae
silver fern
a formalized spray of fern leaf , silver on a black background : the symbol of New Zealand sporting teams , esp the All Blacks
sweet fern
a North American shrub , Comptonia (or Myrica ) asplenifolia, having scented fernlike leaves and heads of brownish flowers: family Myricaceae
sword fern
any of numerous ferns having sword-shaped fronds
bladder fern
a small fern , Cystoperis fragilis , with graceful lanceolate leaves, typically growing on limestone rocks and walls
buckler fern
any of various ferns of the genus Dryopteris , such as D . dilatata ( broad buckler fern): family Polypodiaceae
cinnamon fern
a large, New World fern ( Osmunda cinnamomea , family Osmundaceae) having sterile green fronds and other fronds that bear spores and turn a cinnamon color as the spores mature
elkhorn fern
a tropical fern , of the genus Platycerium , with a large leaf like an elk's horn
fishbone fern
a common Australian fern , Nephrolepsis cordifolia , having fronds with many pinnae
parsley fern
a small bright green tufted European fern , Cryptogramma crispa, that grows on acid scree and rock in uplands
staghorn fern
any of various tropical and subtropical ferns of the genus Platycerium with fronds resembling antlers
walking fern
a North American fern , Camptosorus rhizophyllus, having sword-shaped fronds , the tips of which take root when in contact with the ground : family Aspleniaceae
asparagus fern
a fernlike species of asparagus , A. plumosus, native to southern Africa
horseshoe fern
a New Zealand fern , Marattia salicina , with long heavy fronds
maidenhair fern
any fern of the cosmopolitan genus Adiantum, esp A. capillis-veneris, having delicate fan-shaped fronds with small pale-green leaflets : family Adiantaceae
soft tree fern
an Australian tree fern , Dicksonia antarctica , with a thick trunk and large spreading green fronds
black tree fern
a tall edible New Zealand tree fern , Cyathea medullaris , with a black trunk
an ornamental carving , in the shape of the scroll at the head end of a fiddle , fitted to the top of the stem or cutwater
any of a genus ( Adiantum ) of ferns with delicate fronds and slender black stalks