a day spent in some special outdoor activity, such as nature study or sport
a day-long competition between amateur radio operators using battery or generator power, the aim being to make the most contacts with other operators around the world
3. military
a day devoted to manoeuvres or exercises, esp before an audience
4. informal
a day or time of exciting or successful activity
the children had a field day with their new toys
5. Australian
a day or series of days devoted to the demonstration of farm machinery in country centres
a combined open day and sale on a stud property
field day in American English
a day devoted to military exercises and display
a day of athletic events and contests
3. US
a day spent in outdoor scientific study
an occasion of enjoyably exciting events, extraordinary opportunity, or highly successful activity
the press had a field day with the senator's confession
Examples of 'field day' in a sentence
field day
The popular press made a field day of it, freed from the law of libel, because it was now public knowledge.
Gaskin, Catherine THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN (2001)
Imagine what a field day the press would have had with that!
Holt, Victoria THE BLACK OPAL (2001)
The thing is, it was a big raid, and the newspapers are going to have a field day with it.
Melville, Anne THE HARDIE INHERITANCE (2001)
`Well, he followed Reagan, and the Republicans had already had a field day with deregulation.