

单词 fifty-fifty

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Examples of 'fifty-fifty' in a sentence

I used to repeat to myself that I'd be successful on the way to auditions, and my batting average was only fifty-fifty.The birds... fifty-fifty, though some of them could roost OK.Besides, we'll be splitting the cost of the paintings fifty-fifty.I took my green die from my vest pocket and gave it a fifty-fifty chance that I would create such an institute.

In other languages

British English: fifty-fifty /ˈfɪftɪˌfɪftɪ/ ADJECTIVE
If a division or sharing of something such as money or property between two people is fifty-fifty, each person gets half of it.
The new firm was owned on a fifty-fifty basis by the two parent companies.
  • American English: fifty-fifty
  • Arabic: مُنَاصَفَةً
  • Brazilian Portuguese: meio a meio
  • Chinese: 对半分的
  • Croatian: polovičan
  • Czech: napůl
  • Danish: fifty-fifty
  • Dutch: half-om-half
  • European Spanish: a medias 50%
  • Finnish: tasan
  • French: moitié moitié
  • German: halbe-halbe
  • Greek: μισός-μισός
  • Italian: diviso a metà
  • Japanese: 五分五分の
  • Korean: 반반의
  • Norwegian: jevnt fordelt
  • Polish: pół na pół
  • European Portuguese: a meias
  • Romanian: în mod egal
  • Russian: равный
  • Latin American Spanish: a medias
  • Swedish: femtiofem
  • Thai: ห้าสิบต่อห้าสิบ
  • Turkish: yarı yarıya
  • Ukrainian: порівну
  • Vietnamese: năm mươi-năm mươi
British English: fifty-fifty /ˈfɪftɪˌfɪftɪ/ ADVERB
If something such as money or property is divided or shared fifty-fifty between two people, each person gets half of it.
The proceeds of the sale are split fifty-fifty.
  • American English: fifty-fifty
  • Arabic: مُنَاصَفَةً
  • Brazilian Portuguese: meio a meio
  • Chinese: 对半地
  • Croatian: pola-pola
  • Czech: napůl
  • Danish: fifty-fifty
  • Dutch: half-om-half
  • European Spanish: a medias mitad y mitad
  • Finnish: tasan
  • French: moitié moitié
  • German: halbe-halbe
  • Greek: μισά-μισά
  • Italian: a metà
  • Japanese: 五分五分で
  • Korean: 반반으로
  • Norwegian: halvt om halvt
  • Polish: pół na pół
  • European Portuguese: a meias
  • Romanian: în mod egal
  • Russian: поровну
  • Latin American Spanish: a medias
  • Swedish: fifty-fifty
  • Thai: ห้าสิบต่อห้าสิบ
  • Turkish: yarı yarıya
  • Ukrainian: нарівно
  • Vietnamese: năm mươi-năm mươi

Chinese translation of 'fifty-fifty'


(ˈfɪftɪˈfɪftɪ) (inf)


  1. 各半的 (gèbàn de)


  1. [divide, share, split] 各半地 (gèbàn de)
    to have a fifty-fifty chance (of success) 有百分之五十(成功)的机(機)会(會) (yǒu bǎi fēn zhī wǔshí (chénggōng) de jīhuì)

All related terms of 'fifty-fifty'





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