alphonse and gaston
Alphonse and Gaston
in American English
marked by a ritualistic courtliness in which two often competing participants graciously but stubbornly defer to each other
a kind of Alphonse and Gaston act in which each man insisted the other go throughthe doorway first
Word origin
after the title characters of a cartoon strip by American cartoonist Frederick BurrOpper (1857–1937), which first appeared in 1905
take the rise out of someone
take the road
take the rough with the smooth
take the shine off something
take the stand
take the sting out of sth
take the sun
take the trouble
take the veil
take the wind out of someone's sail
take the wind out of someone's sails
take the words out of someone's mouth
take the words (right) out of someone's mouth
take the wraps off
take the wraps off something
take/tickle sb's fancy
take to
take to drink
take (to) flight
take to flight
take to heart
take to one's bed
take to one's heels
take to one's legs
take to someone
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更新时间:2024/12/22 11:07:48