An ameba is the smallest kind of living creature. Amebae consist of only one cell, and are found in water or soil.
ameba in British English
nounWord forms: plural-bae (-biː) or -bas
the usual US spelling of amoeba
Derived forms
amebic (aˈmebic)
ameba in American English
nounWord forms: pluralaˈmebas or aˈmebae (əˈmibi)
alt. sp. of
▶ USAGE: although the spelling ameba is now standard in scientific usage, both for the word itself and in compounds (suchas disease names), the spelling amoeba is still clearly preferred in general usage
Derived forms
amebic (aˈmebic) (əˈmibɪk)
adjective or aˈmeˌboid (əˈmiˌbɔɪd) or aˈmeban (əˈmibən)