People ask him if transplantpatients take on anything of the personality of the donor whose organs they inherit.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The donor crisis has led to long waiting lists of transplantpatients.
The Sun (2006)
The current system is failing both organ donors and transplantpatients.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Definition of 'patient'
(peɪʃənt)Explore 'patient' in the dictionary
countable noun
A patient is a person who is receiving medical treatment from a doctor or hospital. A patient is also someone who is registered with a particular doctor.
Definition of 'transplant'
(trænsplɑːnt, -plænt) (trænsplɑːnt, -plænt)Explore 'transplant' in the dictionary
variable noun
A transplant is a medical operation in which a part of a person's body is replaced because it is diseased.