a small slender pointed structure or crystal, esp any of the calcareous or siliceous elements of the skeleton of sponges, corals, etc
2. astronomy
a spiked ejection of hot gas occurring over 5000 kilometres above the sun's surface (in its atmosphere) and having a diameter of about 1000 kilometres
Derived forms
spiculate (ˈspɪkjʊˌleɪt, -lɪt)
Word origin
C18: from Latin: spiculum
spicule in American English
1. Astronomy
any of the short-lived, bright, dense gas jets continuously spurting up through the chromosphere of the sun: thought to be extensions of the photosphere's granules
2. Botany
a small spike; spikelet
3. Zoology
a small, hard, needlelike piece or process, esp. of bony or calcareous material, as in the skeleton of the sponge
Word origin
< ModL & L: ModL spicula < ML, head of a lance or arrow < L spiculum, dim. of spica, a point, ear, spike2