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English translation of '对'



  1. (= 回答) answer
    ⇒ 对答 (duìdá) answer
  2. (= 对待) treat
    ⇒ 他对待他的父母很糟糕。 (Tā duìdài tā de fùmǔ hěn zāogāo.) He treated his parents horribly.
  3. (= 朝着) face
    ⇒ 对准目标 (duìzhǔn mùbiāo) aim at the target
  4. (= 接触) come into contact with (pt came) (pp come)
  5. (= 投合) suit
    ⇒ 对脾气 (duì píqi) suit one's temperament
    ⇒ 今天的菜很对他的胃口。 (Jīntiān de cài hěn duì tā de wèikǒu.) Today's meal was definitely to his liking.
  6. (= 调整) adjust
    ⇒ 对焦距 (duì jiāojù) adjust the focus
  7. (= 核对) check
    ⇒ 对表 (duìbiǎo) set one's watch
  8. (= 加进) add
    ⇒ 往酒里对点水 (wǎng jiǔ li duì diǎn shuǐ) add some water to the alcohol

  1. (= 对面) opposite
    ⇒ 河对岸 (hé duì'àn) the opposite side of the river
  2. (= 正确) correct
    ⇒ 这题我回答对了。 (Zhè tí wǒ huídá duì le.) I answered this question correctly.
  3. (= 正常) normal

  1. (= ) at
    ⇒ 他对着她咯咯笑。 (Tā duìzhe tā gēgē xiào.) He giggled at her.
  2. (= 对于)
    ⇒ 吸烟对健康有害。 (Xīyān duì jiànkāng yǒuhài.) Smoking is harmful to your health.
    ⇒ 他对自己的未来做了详尽的规划。 (Tā duì zìjǐ de wèilái zuòle xiángjìn de guīhuà.) He planned exhaustively for his future.
    ⇒ 大家对选举的结果都很关心。 (Dàjiā duì xuǎnjǔ de jiéguǒ dōu hěn guānxīn.) Everyone was very concerned about the results of the election.

  1. pair
    ⇒ 一对绣花鞋 (yī duì xiùhuā xié) a pair of embroidered shoes
    ⇒ 一对夫妻 (yī duì fūqī) a married couple

Nearby words of

  • 端庄
  • 对白
  • 对比

Related terms of

  • 作对
  • 反对
  • 对于
  • 对付
  • 对决




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