Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense places, present participle placing, past tense, past participle placed
1. countable noun
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
...Temple Mount, the place where the Temple actually stood.
...a list of museums and places of interest. [+ of]
We're going to a place called Mont-St-Jean.
...the opportunity to visit new places.
The best place to catch fish on a canal is close to a lock.
The pain is always in the same place.
Synonyms: region, city, town, quarter More Synonyms of place
2. singular noun
You can use the place to refer to the point, building, area, town, or country that you have already mentioned.
Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.
For a ruin it was in good condition, as though the place was still being used.
3. countable noun
You can refer to somewhere that provides a service, such as a hotel, restaurant, or institution, as a particular kind of place.
He found a bed-and-breakfast place.
We discovered some superb places to eat.
My hospital is one of many places that benefited from the queen's support.
See take place
5. singular noun
Place can be used after 'any', 'no', 'some', or 'every' to mean 'anywhere', 'nowhere', 'somewhere', or 'everywhere'.
[mainly US, informal]
The poor guy obviously didn't have any place to go for Easter.
Why not go out and see if there's some place we can dance?
6. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you go places, you visit pleasant or interesting places.
[mainly US]
I don't have money to go places.
People were talking to him, listening to him, taking him places.
7. countable noun
You can refer to the position where something belongs, or where it is supposed to be, as its place.
He returned the album to its place on the shelf.
He returned to his place on the sofa.
Synonyms: position, point, spot, location More Synonyms of place
8. countable noun
A place is a seat or position that is available for someone to occupy.
He walked back to the table and sat at the nearest of two empty places.
I found a place to park beside a station wagon.
9. countable noun [with poss]
Someone's or something's place in a society, system, or situation is their position in relation to other peopleor things.
They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professionalladder.
...the important place of Christianity in our national culture. [+ of]
10. countable noun [usually singular]
Your place in a race or competition is your position in relation to the other competitors. If you are in first place, you are ahead of all the other competitors.
He won third place in the Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants awards. [+ in]
He has risen to second place in the opinion polls.
11. countable noun
If you get a place in a team, on a committee, or on a course of study, for example, you are accepted as a member of the team orcommittee or as a student on the course.
He has found a place in the first team.
All the candidates won places on the ruling council.
I eventually got a place at York University. [+ at]
They should be in residential care but there are no places available.
To book your place fill in the coupon on page 187 and return it by 1st October.
Synonyms: job, position, post, situation More Synonyms of place
12. singular noun [oft NOUN to-infinitive]
A good placeto do something in a situation or activity is a good time or stage at which to do it.
It seemed an appropriate place to end somehow.
This is not the place for a lengthy discussion. [+ for]
13. countable noun [usually singular, usually poss NOUN]
Your place is the house or flat where you live.
Let's all go back to my place!
He kept encouraging Rosie to find a place of her own.
Synonyms: home, house, room, property More Synonyms of place
14. countable noun [usually singular, usually poss NOUN]
Your placein a book or speech is the point you have reached in reading the book or making the speech.
...her finger marking her place in the book.
He lost his place in his notes.
15. countable noun
If you say how many decimal places there are in a number, you are saying how many numbers there are to the right of the decimal point.
A pocket calculator only works to eight decimal places.
16. verb
If you place something somewhere, you put it in a particular position, especially in a careful, firm, or deliberate way.
Brand folded it in his handkerchief and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Chairs were hastily placed in rows for the parents. [beVERB-ed preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: lay (down), leave, put (down), set (down) More Synonyms of place
17. verb
To place a person or thing in a particular state means to cause them to be in it.
Widespread protests have placed the President under serious pressure. [VERB noun preposition]
The crisis could well place the relationship at risk. [VERB noun preposition]
The remaining 30 percent of each army will be placed under U.N. control. [beVERB-ed preposition]
18. verb
You can use place instead of 'put' or 'lay' in certain expressions where the meaning is carried by the following noun. For example,if you place emphasison something, you emphasize it, and if you place the blameon someone, you blame them.
We should teach the young by placing responsibility on them. [V n on/upon n]
He placed great emphasis on the importance of family life and ties. [V n + on/upon]
She seemed to be placing most of the blame on her mother. [V n on/upon n]
His government is placing its faith in international diplomacy. [VERB noun + in]
19. verb
If you place someone or something in a particular class or group, you label or judge them in that way.
You take a simple written and verbal test so you can be placed in the appropriateclass. [VERB noun preposition]
This logic places stupidity on the same level as intelligence. [VERB noun preposition]
20. verb [usually passive]
If a competitor is placed first, second, or last, for example, that is their position at the end of a raceor competition. In American English, be placed often means 'finish in second position'.
I had been placed 2nd and 3rd a few times but had never won. [beV-ed ord]
Second-placed Auxerre suffered a surprising 2-0 home defeat to Nantes. [ord V-ed]
21. verb
If you place an order for a product or for a meal, you ask for it to be sent or brought to you.
It is a good idea to place your order well in advance. [VERB noun]
Before placing your order for a meal, study the menu. [VERB noun + for]
22. verb
If you place an advertisement in a newspaper, you arrange for the advertisement to appear in the newspaper.
They placed an advertisement in the local paper for a secretary. [VERB noun + in]
[Also VERB noun]
23. verb
If you place a phone call to a particular place, you give the telephone operator the number of the person you want to speak to and ask them to connect you.
I'd like to place an overseas call. [VERB noun]
24. verb
If you place a bet, you bet money on something.
For this race, though, he had already placed a bet on one of the horses. [VERB noun + on]
[Also VERB noun]
25. verb
If an agency or organization places someone, it finds them a job or somewhere to live.
In 1861, they managed to place fourteen women in paid positions in the colonies. [VERB noun + in]
In cases where it proves difficult to place a child, the reception centre provideslong-term care. [VERB noun]
26. verb
If you say that you cannot place someone, you mean that you recognize them but cannot remember exactly who they are or where you have met them before.
Something about the man was familiar, although I could not immediately place him. [VERB noun]
It was a voice he recognized, though he could not immediately place it. [VERB noun]
27. See also meeting place
See all over the place
See all over the place
See all over the place
See to change places
See to click into place
See to fall into place
See go places
See in high places
See in place/into place/out of place
See in place
See in place of sth/sb, in sth's/sb's place
See in places
See in sb's place
See in the first place
See in the first place
See not sb's place to do sth
See out of place
See a place in the sun
See place sth above/before/over sth
See put sb in their place
See show sb their place/keep sb in their place
See take second place
See take the place of/take sb's place
51. pride of place
More Synonyms of place
countable noun
Place is used as part of the name of a square or short street in a town.
...15 Portland Place, London W1A 4DD.
place in British English
a particular point or part of space or of a surface, esp that occupied by a personor thing
a geographical point, such as a town, city, etc
a position or rank in a sequence or order
an open square lined with houses of a similar type in a city or town
(capital when part of a street name)
Grosvenor Place
space or room
a house or living quarters
a country house with grounds
any building or area set aside for a specific purpose
a passage in a book, play, film, etc
to lose one's place
proper or appropriate position or time
the Stock Exchange is no place for the faint-hearted
right or original position
put it back in its place
suitable, appropriate, or customary surroundings (esp in the phrases out of place, in place)
right, prerogative, or duty
it is your place to give a speech
appointment, position, or job
a place at college
position, condition, or state
if I were in your place
a space or seat, as at a dining table
(as modifier)
place mat
17. mathematics
the relative position of a digit in a number
See also decimal place
any of the best times in a race
19. horse racing
a. British
the first, second, or third position at the finish
b. US and Canadian
the first or usually the second position at the finish
(as modifier)
a place bet
20. theatre
one of the three unities
unity (sense 8)
21. archaic
an important position, rank, or role
22. all over the place
23. another place
24. give place to someone
25. go places
26. in place of
27. know one's place
28. pride of place
29. put someone in his or her place
30. take one's place
31. take the place of
32. take place
33. the other place
verb(mainly tr)
to put or set in a particular or appropriate place
to find or indicate the place of
to identify or classify by linking with an appropriate context
to place a face
to regard or view as being
to place prosperity above sincerity
to make (an order, a bet, etc)
to find a home or job for (someone)
to appoint to an office or position
41. (often foll by with)
to put under the care (of)
to direct or aim carefully
43. (passive) British
to cause (a racehorse, greyhound, athlete, etc) to arrive in first, second, third, or sometimes fourth place
44. (intransitive) US and Canadian
(of a racehorse, greyhound, etc) to finish among the first three in a contest, esp in second position
to invest (funds)
to sing (a note) with accuracy of pitch
to insert (an advertisement) in a newspaper, journal, etc
Word origin
C13: via Old French from Latin platēa courtyard, from Greek plateia, from platus broad; compare French plat flat
Place in British English
Francis. 1771–1854, British radical, who campaigned for the repeal (1824) of the Combination Acts, which forbade the forming of trade unions, and for parliamentary reform
place in American English
a square or court in a city
a short street, often closed at one end
space; room
a particular area or locality; region
the part of space occupied by a person or thing
situation or state
if I were in his place
a city, town, or village
a residence; dwelling; house and grounds
a building or space devoted to a special purpose
a place of amusement
a particular spot on or part of the body or a surface
a sore place on the leg
a particular passage or page in a book, magazine, etc., esp. the point where one has temporarily stopped reading
to mark one's place
position or standing, esp. one of importance, accorded to one
one's place in history
a step or point in a sequence
in the first place
the customary, proper, or natural position, time, or character
a space used, reserved, or customarily occupied by a person, as a seat in a theater, at a table, etc.
an office; employment; position
official position
the duties of any position
the duty, or business (of a person)
in racing, the first, second, or third position at the finish, specif. the secondposition
20. Arithmetic
the position of a digit in a number (Ex.: in 12.3 the one is in the ten's place, the two in the unit's place, and the three in the tenth's place)
verb transitiveWord forms: placed or ˈplacing
to put in a particular place, condition, or relation
to put in an assigned or proper place, as in a sequence or series
c. US
to identify by associating with the correct place or circumstances
to place somebody's face
to find employment or a position for; appoint to an office
to arrange for a desired handling, treatment, or allocation of
to place a shipment, to place a child for adoption
to assign (a value)
to make or give as an estimate
to offer (a proposal, problem, etc.) to be considered
to repose (confidence, trust, hope, etc.) in a person or thing
to adjust (the voice) to head or chest register
to finish in (a specified position) in a competition
to place last
verb intransitive
30. Sport
to finish among the first three in a contest; specif., to finish second in a horseor dog race
give place
go places
in (or out of) place
in place of
know one's place
put someone in his (or her) place
run in place
take place
take the place of
Word origin
OFr < L platea, a broad street (in LL, an open space) < Gr plateia, a street < platys, broad: see platy-
More idioms containing
someone's heart is in the right place
not a hair out of place
fall into place
out of place
a place in the sun
put someone in their place
take second place
between a rock and a hard place
COBUILD Collocations
bad place
different place
favourite place
good place
great place
ideal place
nice place
promotion place
school place
special place
warm place
whole place
wrong place
Examples of 'place' in a sentence
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Check also what cover is already in place.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We meet in places where no one will see us.
The Sun (2016)
This is the perfect place to try something funky.
The Sun (2016)
This place is going to be a riot.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
There is no shortage of places to find running buddies.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The curfew is now back in place in three areas.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
There are places you just visit and places you explore.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But we're only eight points off second place.
The Sun (2016)
For now, the most important thing is that their place in the second round is secure.
The Sun (2016)
They needed a point to book their place in the last 32 of the competition.
The Sun (2016)
The next day he would lead them to the place he had already prepared for them.
Christianity Today (2000)
The point of this place is steamed buns.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He was remanded in custody and placed under house arrest.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The thinking behind this is to keep the activities mentioned all in one place.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
There seemed no way by which he might get close to secure second place.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Four teams will qualify from playoffs involving the other eight sides who finish in third place.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
To value something means to place importance on it.
O'Connor, Joseph & Seymour, John Training with N.L.P. (1994)
You realise when you do go to these places that there is no art.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
We ended up finding him a place with a huge basement and he loved it.
The Sun (2009)
It was as if the city had been placed under martial law.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Voting will take place only in areas under regime control.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
These are just two examples of the many humanitarian visits that take place each year.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Training lasts up to three years and places are available in various departments.
The Sun (2013)
We thought we would come here with a chance of a place and a good day out.
The Sun (2013)
Personnel managers also need to be careful where they place advertisements.
Torrington, Derek Personnel Management: A New Approach (1991)
This responsibility places a particular burden on two men.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The geographic conditions in different places are so different.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The solid blocks of buildings took its place.
Paige, Frances The Glasgow Girls (1994)
The signs are for an early spring getting under way in many places.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
One decimal place can throw out an entire budget.
The Sun (2013)
Winning a place on a team stirs a family celebration.
The Sun (2008)
One particular creature, at one particular place in space and time.
Oliver Morton Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet (2007)
In other languages
British English: place /pleɪs/ NOUN
location A place is a building, area, town, or country.
This is the place where I was born.
American English: place
Arabic: مَكان
Brazilian Portuguese: lugar
Chinese: 地方
Croatian: mjesto
Czech: místo
Danish: sted
Dutch: plaats
European Spanish: lugar
Finnish: paikka
French: endroit
German: Ort
Greek: τόπος
Italian: luogo
Japanese: 場所
Korean: 장소
Norwegian: sted
Polish: miejsce
European Portuguese: lugar
Romanian: loc
Russian: место
Latin American Spanish: lugar
Swedish: plats
Thai: สถานที่
Turkish: yer
Ukrainian: місце
Vietnamese: chỗ
British English: place /pleɪs/ VERB
If you place something somewhere, you put it in a particular position.
He folded the letter and placed it in his pocket.
American English: place
Arabic: يَضَع
Brazilian Portuguese: colocar
Chinese: 放置
Croatian: staviti
Czech: umístit
Danish: placere
Dutch: plaatsen
European Spanish: colocar
Finnish: asettaa
French: placer
German: stellen
Greek: τοποθετώ
Italian: collocare
Japanese: 置く
Korean: ...을 ...에 놓다
Norwegian: plassere
Polish: umieścić
European Portuguese: colocar
Romanian: a așeza
Russian: класть
Latin American Spanish: colocar
Swedish: placera
Thai: วางไว้ในตำแหน่ง
Turkish: yerleştirmek
Ukrainian: розміщувати
Vietnamese: đặt ở đâu
British English: place /pleɪs/ NOUN
proper position A place is where something belongs.
He put the picture back in its place on the shelf.
American English: place
Arabic: مَكَان
Brazilian Portuguese: local
Chinese: 位置
Croatian: mjesto
Czech: místo
Danish: plads
Dutch: plaats
European Spanish: lugar
Finnish: paikka
French: endroit
German: Platz
Greek: θέση
Italian: posto
Japanese: 場所
Korean: 장소
Norwegian: plass
Polish: miejsce
European Portuguese: lugar
Romanian: loc
Russian: место
Latin American Spanish: lugarpertenencia
Swedish: plats
Thai: ตำแหน่ง
Turkish: yerine
Ukrainian: місце
Vietnamese: nơi chốn
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All related terms of 'place'
bad place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
in place
If something such as a law, a policy , or an administrative structure is in place , it is working or able to be used.
no place
in, at, or to no place; not anywhere
place mat
Place mats are mats that are put on a table before a meal for people to put their plates or bowls on.
give place
to make room
good place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
great place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
high place
a place of idolatrous worship , esp a hilltop
holy place
the outer chamber of a Jewish sanctuary
ideal place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
nice place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
place card
A place card is a small card with a person's name on it which is put on a table at a formal meal to indicate where that person is to sit.
place kick
a kick in which the ball is placed in position before it is kicked
place name
the name of a geographical location , such as a town or area
denoting a series in which successive digits represent successive powers of the base
take place
When something takes place , it happens, especially in a controlled or organized way.
warm place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
whole place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
wrong place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
another place
the other House of Parliament (used in the House of Commons to refer to the House of Lords and vice versa)
decimal place
the position of a digit after the decimal point, each successive position to the right having a denominator of an increased power of ten
eating place
→ another name for eating house
hiding place
A hiding place is a place where someone or something can be hidden , or where they are hiding.
meeting place
A meeting place is a place where people meet.
parking place
a reserved area or a space in a street where a car may be parked
passing place
a wider place on a narrow road where vehicles can pass
place setting
A place setting is an arrangement of knives , forks , spoons , and glasses that has been laid out on a table for the use of one person at a meal .
polling place
A polling place is the same as a → polling station .
resting place
A resting place is a place where you can stay and rest, usually for a short period of time.
school place
If you get a place in a team , on a committee , or on a course of study, for example , you are accepted as a member of the team or committee or as a student on the course.
special place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
assisted place
a place at a private school reserved for a pupil from a family with a low income , with the fees paid by the government
carrying place
the act of carrying ; transport
different place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
favourite place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
in place of
instead of; in lieu of
oil in place
The oil in place is the amount of crude oil which is estimated to be in a reservoir .
out of place
If someone or something seems out of place in a particular situation , they do not seem to belong there or to be suitable for that situation.
Penshurst Place
a 14th-century mansion near Tunbridge Wells in Kent: birthplace of Sir Philip Sidney ; gardens laid out from 1560
promotion place
A place is any point, building, area, town, or country.
run in place
to move the legs alternately as in running , but remain in the same place, not going forward or backward
spawning place
a place where fish deposit their eggs for fertilization
stopping place
a place where vehicles may stop temporarily
watering place
a place where drinking water for people or animals may be obtained
in sb's place
If you say what you would have done in someone else's place , you say what you would have done if you had been in their situation and had been experiencing what they were experiencing.
mise en place
(in a restaurant kitchen ) the preparation of equipment and food before service begins
pride of place
If something takes pride of place , it is treated as the most important thing in a group of things.
fall into place
if you have been trying to understand something, and then everything falls into place, you suddenly understand it and everything becomes clear
jumping-off place
a starting point, as in an enterprise
know one's place
to be aware of one's inferior position
Chinese translation of 'place'
(c) (= location) 地方 (dìfang) (个(個), gè)
⇒ We were looking for a good place to camp.我们寻找适合露营的地方。 (Wǒmen xúnzhǎo shìhé lùyíng de dìfang.)
⇒ The cellar was a very dark place.地窖是个很黑的地方。 (Dìjiào shì gè hěn hēi de dìfang.)
⇒ They seem to have scheduled the president to be in two places at once.他们似乎想让总统同时出现在两个不同的地方。 (Tāmen sìhū xiǎng ràng zǒngtǒng tóngshí chūxiàn zài liǎng gè bùtóng de dìfang.)
⇒ The pain was always in the same place.总是在一个地方疼。 (Zǒngshì zài yī gè dìfang téng.)
⇒ I keep these cards in a very safe place.我把卡片放在一个非常安全的地方。 (Wǒ bǎ kǎpiàn fàng zài yī gè fēicháng ānquán de dìfang.)
(c) (empty, = space) 空位 (kòngwèi) (个(個), gè)
⇒ I found a place to park.我找到了一个空位停车。 (Wǒ zhǎodàole yī gè kòngwèi tíngchē.)
(= seat) 座位 (zuòwèi) (个(個), gè)
⇒ There was only one place left for him to sit.只有一个座位留给他。 (Zhǐyǒu yī gè zuòwèi liú gěi tā.)
(at university, on course, on committee, in team) 名额(額) (míng'é) (个(個), gè)
⇒ I got a place at a teachers' training college nearby.我得到了附近师范学院的一个名额。 (Wǒ dédàole fùjìn shīfàn xuéyuàn de yī gè míng'é.)
(s) (inf, = home) 家 (jiā)
⇒ Do you want to meet at your place or mine?你想在你家还是我家见面? (Nǐ xiǎng zài nǐ jiā háishì wǒ jiā jiànmiàn?)
(in street names) 路 (lù)
⇒ Laurel Place劳瑞尔路 (Láoruì'ěr Lù)
(s) (= role) (in society, system, world) 地位 (dìwèi)
⇒ Britain's place in the world英国在世界上的地位 (Yīngguó zài shìjiè shang de dìwèi)
(c) (in competition) 名次 (míngcì) (个(個), gè)
⇒ Britain won third place at the Olympic games in Barcelona.英国在巴塞罗那奥运会上得了第3名。 (Yīngguó zài Bāsàiluónà Àoyùnhuì shang déle dì sān míng.)
某些/每个(個)/没(沒)有/任何地方 mǒuxiē/měigè/méiyǒu/rènhé dìfang [ 个(個) gè ] ⇒ The poor guy obviously didn't have any place to go. → 那个可怜的家伙显然没有任何地方可去。 Nàge kělián de jiāhuo xiǎnrán méiyǒu rènhé dìfang kě qù.
the same book/place as
与(與) ... 一样(樣)的书(書)/地方 yǔ ... yīyàng de shū/dìfang
to place an advertisement
打广(廣)告 dǎ guǎnggào
to place sb under arrest
将(將)某人逮捕 jiāng mǒurén dàibǔ
to take sb's/sth's place
代替某人/某物 dàitì mǒurén/mǒuwù
a place to call one's own
一个(個)属(屬)于(於)自己的地方 yī gè shǔyú zìjǐ de dìfang
not a hair out of place
衣着(著)一丝(絲)不乱(亂) yīzhuó yī sī bù luàn
it's not my place to do it
我无(無)权(權)这(這)么(麼)做 wǒ wúquán zhème zuò
to have or take pride of place
( Brit ) 占(佔)据(據)头(頭)等重要的位置 zhànjù tóuděng zhòngyào de wèizhì
( inf ) 好像他是这(這)儿(兒)的主人似的 hǎoxiàng tā shì zhèr de zhǔrén shìde
I'll drive over to her place later
我过(過)会(會)儿(兒)会(會)开(開)车(車)去她那儿(兒) wǒ guò huìr huì kāichē qù tā nàr
to cut across or through a place
穿过(過)某处(處)抄近路 chuānguò mǒuchù chāo jìnlù
to place an order for sth with sb
向某人定购(購)某物 xiàng mǒurén dìnggòu mǒuwù ⇒ She placed an order for a carton of fresh cream with the milkman. → 她向卖牛奶的人定购了一盒新鲜奶油。 Tā xiàng mài niúnǎi de rén dìnggòule yī hé xīnxiān nǎiyóu.