Angina is severe pain in the chest and left arm, caused by heart disease.
angina in British English
any disease marked by painful attacks of spasmodic choking, such as Vincent's angina and quinsy
2. Also called: angina pectoris (ˈpɛktərɪs)
a sudden intense pain in the chest, often accompanied by feelings of suffocation, caused by momentary lack of adequate blood supply to the heart muscle
Derived forms
anginal (anˈginal)
anginose (ænˈdʒaɪnəʊs, -nəʊz) or anginous (anˈginous)
Word origin
C16: from Latin: quinsy, from Greek ankhonē a strangling
angina in American English
(ænˈdʒaɪnə; ˈændʒənə)
any inflammatory disease of the throat or mouth, esp. one characterized by spasmodic suffocation
a localized spasm of pain or any condition marked by such spasms; specif., angina pectoris
Derived forms
anginal (anˈginal)
Word origin
L, quinsy < Gr anchonē: see anger
Examples of 'angina' in a sentence
This results in better outcomes after a patient suffers from unstable angina or a heart attack.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
This in turn causes angina or chest pain.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It is also an aid in treating patients with small heart attacks or unstable angina.
Pantano, James A. (MD) Living with Angina (1991)
Should the group be expanded to include people with heart disease other than angina?
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
Use your angina spray before you go outside.
The Sun (2010)
How does all this help you if you are suffering from angina?
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
How does stress contribute to heart attack and angina?
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
Is it possible to have angina without pain?
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
Stay calm and keep your angina spray handy.
The Sun (2014)
Exercise testing should be part of the evaluation of anyone with chest pain resembling angina.
Pantano, James A. (MD) Living with Angina (1991)
And keep your angina spray handy for those really tense moments.
The Sun (2010)
He was so shocked by the arrest that he suffered an angina attack and spent the night in hospital.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Women are more likely to suffer from angina and problems with small blood vessels, they report.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
This led to a shortage of blood getting to the heart, causing angina.
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
The 30-minute op improves life for angina and heart disease patients.
The Sun (2009)
Some people have been found to experience angina pains in their fingers, knees and toes.
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
This is the condition which produces angina pain and heart attacks, and which is termed cardiovascular disease.
Chaitow, Leon The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes (1988)
If you have angina and coronary disease, you should have multiple treadmill tests as the years go by.
Pantano, James A. (MD) Living with Angina (1991)
She found that the physical effort needed to get the shopping and housework done was just too much and she began having more angina attacks.
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
It is important to realize that an attack of angina is not a heart attack or coronary because there is no destruction of heart muscle.
Mervyn, Leonard Preventing Heart Disease (1987)
I go to administer antibiotics to a lady in her 90s who is suffering from angina.
The Sun (2013)
He has also suffered osteoporosis, angina, and pneumonia.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
On the other hand, women don't appear to get the same relief from the pain of angina that surgery or medication gives men.
Kowalski, Robert E The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure (1990)
Word lists with
Human diseases
In other languages
British English: angina /ænˈdʒaɪnə/ NOUN
Angina is severe pain in the chest and left arm, caused by heart disease.