Tuna or tuna fish are large fish that live in warm seas and are caught for food.
Tuna or tuna fish is this fish eaten as food.
She began opening a tin of tuna.
tuna in British English1
nounWord forms: plural-na or -nas
1. Also called: tunny
any of various large marine spiny-finned fishes of the genus Thunnus, esp T. thynnus, chiefly of warm waters: family Scombridae. They have a spindle-shaped body and widely forked tail, and are important food fishes
any of various similar and related fishes
Word origin
C20: from American Spanish, from Spanish atún, from Arabic tūn, from Latin thunnus tunny, from Greek
tuna in British English2
any of various tropical American prickly pear cacti, esp Opuntia tuna, that are cultivated for their sweet edible fruits
the fruit of any of these cacti
Word origin
C16: via Spanish from Taino
tuna in American English1
(ˈtunə; ˈtjunə)
nounWord forms: pluralˈtuna or ˈtunas
any of various, usually large, marine, scombroid, food and game fishes (esp. genus Thunnus), including the albacore
the flesh of various tunas or tunalike fishes, often canned as food
: also called tuna fish
Word origin
AmSp < Sp atún < Ar tūn < L thunnus: see tunny
tuna in American English2
(ˈtunə; ˈtjunə)
any of various prickly pears (esp. Opuntia tuna), cultivated for their edible fruits