TheHome Office is the department of the British Government which is responsible for things suchas the police, broadcasting, and making decisions about people who want to come to live in Britain.
Home Office in British English
British government
the national department responsible for the maintenance of law and order, immigration control, and all other domestic affairs not specifically assigned to another department
Home Office in American English
the department of government in Great Britain which supervises various domestic affairs, including immigration, law and order, and civil defense
Examples of 'Home Office' in a sentence
Home Office
Once you've messed in the Home Office nest, you know, selection boards can prove woefully bigoted.
Parkes, Roger RIOT (2002)
`I'm afraid Mr Hanford's on his way to the Home Office, sir.
Parkes, Roger RIOT (2002)
"It would have made sense to do exactly what the Home Office expects us to do?