All lophophorates have intertentacular neurite bundles, which innervate adjacent tentacles.
Elena N Temereva, Eugeni B Tsitrin 2015, 'Modern Data on the Innervation of the Lophophore in Lingula anatina (Brachiopoda)Support the Monophyly of the Lophophorates.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
At the lophophoral base, intertentacular pits, previously unknown for ctenostomes, develop.
Wood Timothy S, Schwaha Thomas 2011, 'Organogenesis during budding and lophophoral morphology of Hislopia malayensisAnnandale, 1916 (Bryozoa, Ctenostomata)', BMC Developmental Biology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Intertentacular lobules, observed previously in only a small number of species, are shown to be widespread.
Lucília S. Miranda, Allen G. Collins, Yayoi M. Hirano, Claudia E. Mills, Antonio C.Marques 2016, 'Comparative internal anatomy of Staurozoa (Cnidaria), with functional and evolutionaryinferences', PeerJ Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (