Current knowledge of thalamocortical interaction comes mainly from studying lemniscal thalamic systems.
Carlos Castejon, Natali Barros-Zulaica, Angel Nuñez 2016, 'Control of Somatosensory Cortical Processing by Thalamic Posterior Medial Nucleus:A New Role of Thalamus in Cortical Function', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0148169. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Additionally, the contralateral ventromedial thalamus (part of the barrel field related lemniscal pathway) and the hypothalamus showed reduced connectivity.
Silke Kreitz, Silke Kreitz, Benito de Celis Alonso, Michael Uder, Andreas Hess 2018, 'A New Analysis of Resting State Connectivity and Graph Theory Reveals DistinctiveShort-Term Modulations due to Whisker Stimulation in Rats', Frontiers in Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (