be close to ⇒ 我们学校挨近一家电影院。 Wǒmen xuéxiào āijìn yī jiā diànyǐngyuàn. → Our school is close to a cinema.
one by one ⇒ 请大家排好队,挨个儿上车。 Qǐng dàjiā páihǎo duì, āigèr shàngchē. → Please will everyone line up and get on the bus one by one.
house-to-house ⇒ 你对挨门挨户推销的做法有什么看法? Nǐ duì āimén-āihù tuīxiāo de zuòfǎ yǒu shénme kànfǎ? → What do you think of the door-to-door sales method?
English translation of '挨'
(= 靠近) be next to
⇒ 网吧挨着一家礼品店。 (Wǎngbā āizhe yī jiā lǐpǐndiàn.) The Internet café is next to a gift shop.
⇒ 两个孩子挨着门坐。 (Liǎng gè háizi āizhe mén zuò.) The two children sat by the door.
(= 逐个)
⇒ 挨个儿 (āigèr) one by one
⇒ 警察挨门搜查。 (Jǐngchá āi mén sōuchá.) The police conducted a house-to-house search.
see also
挨 (ái)
(= 遭受) suffer
⇒ 挨饿 (ái'è) suffer from hunger
⇒ 挨骂 (áimà) get told off
(= 艰难度过) endure
⇒ 那么困难的年代我们都挨过来了,这不算什么。 (Nàme kùnnan de niándài wǒmen dōu ái guòlái le, zhè bù suàn shénme.) We have all endured such difficult times that this seems insignificant.