A woodcock is a small brown bird with a long beak. Woodcock are sometimes shot for sport or food.
woodcock in British English
an Old World game bird, Scolopax rusticola, resembling the snipe but larger and having shorter legs and neck: family Scolopacidae (sandpipers, etc), order Charadriiformes
a related North American bird, Philohela minor
3. obsolete
a person lacking intelligence
woodcock in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈwoodˌcocks or ˈwoodˌcock
a migratory European shorebird (Scolopax rusticola) with short legs and a long bill, of the same family (Scolopacidae) as snipe: it is hunted as game
2. US
a smaller game bird (Philohela minor) of the same family that frequents bogs and swampy places of E North America
3. Obsolete
a fool; dupe
Word origin
ME wodekoc < OE wuducoc < wudu, wood1 + coc, a cock1