A knife is a tool for cutting or a weapon and consists of a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge on the end of a handle.
a knife with the blade pivoted to fold into a recess in the handle
case knives
→ case knife
fish knives
a blunt knife with a wide blade , used for eating or serving fish
butter knives
a knife , often with a curved tip , used for picking up butter at a table
clasp knives
a large knife with one or more blades or other devices folding into the handle
combat knives
a large knife for military use
dinner knives
a knife used for eating dinner
fruit knives
a small stainless knife for cutting fruit
putty knives
a spatula used to mix or apply putty
steak knives
a knife with a serrated blade, used for eating steak or other fried meat
trench knives
a double-edged steel knife , often with a guard in the form of a knuckle-duster , designed for close combat
chopping knives
a knife for chopping meat, vegetables etc
palette knives
a round-ended spatula with a thin flexible blade used esp by artists for mixing , applying, and scraping off paint , esp oil paint
pruning knives
a knife used for pruning
vegetable knives
a knife designed to cut up vegetables
saw-edged knives
a knife with a serrated edge
the knives are out
said to mean that people are feeling very angry or resentful towards someone, and are trying to cause problems for them
bush knife
a large heavy knife suitable for outdoor use
case knife
→ sheath knife
fish knife
A fish knife is a knife that you use when you eat fish. It has a wide flat blade and does not have a sharp edge .
bowie knife
a stout hunting knife with a short hilt and a guard for the hand
butter knife
a knife , often with a curved tip , used for picking up butter at a table
clasp knife
a large knife with one or more blades or other devices folding into the handle
combat knife
a large knife for military use
craft knife
a knife used for paper crafts , etc, that has a sharp replaceable blade
dinner knife
a knife used for eating dinner
flick knife
A flick-knife is a knife with a blade in the handle that springs out when a button is pressed.
fruit knife
a small stainless knife for cutting fruit
gamma knife
a machine that uses radiation with extreme accuracy to destroy abnormal tissue, esp in the brain
palette knife
A palette knife is a knife with a broad , flat , flexible blade, used in cookery and in oil painting .
pallet knife
a round-ended spatula with a thin flexible blade used esp by artists for mixing , applying, and scraping off paint , esp oil paint
paper knife
A paper knife is a tool shaped like a knife, which is used for opening envelopes .
paring knife
a short-bladed kitchen knife for paring fruits and vegetables
pocket knife
A pocket knife is a small knife with several blades which fold into the handle so that you can carry it around with you safely.
putty knife
a spatula used to mix or apply putty
sheath knife
a knife carried in or protected by a sheath
steak knife
a knife with a serrated blade , used for eating steak or other fried meat
trench knife
a double-edged steel knife , often with a guard in the form of a knuckle-duster , designed for close combat
carving knife
A carving knife is a long sharp knife that is used to cut cooked meat.
chopping knife
a knife for chopping meat , vegetables etc
hunting knife
a knife used for flaying and cutting up game and sometimes for killing it
pruning knife
a knife used for pruning
Stanley knife
A Stanley knife is a very sharp knife that is used to cut materials such as carpet and paper . It consists of a small blade fixed in the end of a handle.
vegetable knife
a knife designed to cut up vegetables
the knives are out for someone
If a lot of people want something unpleasant to happen to someone, for example if they want them to lose their job , you can say that the knives are out for that person.
saw-edged knife
a knife with a serrated edge
A switchblade is a knife with a blade that is hidden in the handle and that springs out when a button is pressed.
Swiss Army knife
a pocket knife including a variety of blades and tools , each of which can be folded into the handle
a large strong pocket-knife with a single blade
Chinese translation of 'knives'
n pl
Word forms:plknives
刀 (dāo) (把, bǎ)
用刀刺 (yòng dāo cì)
knife and fork刀叉 (dāochā)
to go under the knife动(動)手术(術) (dòng shǒushù)
the knives are out for him (Brit) 他成为(為)众(眾)矢之的 (tā chéngwéi zhòng shǐ zhī dì)