To burn off unwanted natural gas from wells is to get rid of it by burning it.
Until recently, such unwanted gas was burned off at the well site, but due to environmentalconcerns this practice is becoming less common.
Flares were used to burn off unwanted natural gases at the well.
To burn off unwanted natural gas from wells is to get rid of it by burning it.
Related wordsOther phrasal verbs are commonly used in extractive engineering. To back off a drill string is to unscrew parts of the drill string in a well. If a well blows out, it is in a state in which there is an uncontrolled flow of fluids. To shut in a well, is to close off a well so that it stops producing.
Examples of 'burn off' in a sentence
burn off
Not to worry - she'd burn off that and more just fuming over her tax bill which was due next Wednesday.