the branch of physics concerned with the flow and change of shape of matter
Derived forms
rheological (ˌriːəˈlɒdʒɪkəl) or rare rheological (ˌriːəˈlɒdʒɪkəl)
rheologist (rheˈologist)
Examples of 'rheologic' in a sentence
Further rheologic and anti-melanoma treatments were refused by the patient.
Thilo Gambichler, Stefanie Strutzmann, Andrea Tannapfel, Laura Susok 2017, 'Paraneoplastic acral vascular syndrome in a patient with metastatic melanoma underimmune checkpoint blockade', BMC Cancer Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Rheologic analysis showed that the composite had good thermosensitivity.
Fan RR, Deng XH, Zhou LX, Gao X, Fan M, Wang YL, Guo G 2014, 'Injectable thermosensitive hydrogel composite with surface-functionalized calciumphosphate as raw materials', International Journal of Nanomedicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
To adjust water-retaining and rheologic parameters grouts are modified by additives.
Artem A. Kunitskikh 2015, 'Research and development of expansion agents for grouting mortars', Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The introduction of sodium hyaluronate agents with different rheologic properties has improved the safety and reliability of intraocular surgeries.
Tomomi Higashide, Kazuhisa Sugiyama 2008, 'Use of viscoelastic substance in ophthalmic surgery — focus onsodium hyaluronate', Clinical Ophthalmology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (