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Chinese translation of 'temporarily'temporarily (ˈtɛmpərərɪlɪ) adv -
临(臨)时(時)地 (línshí de)
Nearby words oftemporarily - tempers were frayed
- tempers were running high
- temple
- temporarily
- temporary
- temporary secretary/teacher
- tempt
The agreement has at least temporarily halted the civil war. Synonyms for the moment for a moment for a short time for a little while fleetingly for a short while pro tem for the nonce Additional synonymsThe situation is calm for the time being. Synonyms for now, meanwhile, meantime, in the meantime, temporarily, for the moment, for the present, pro tem, for the nonce She paused momentarily when she saw them. Synonyms briefly, for a moment, temporarily, for a second, for a minute, for a short time, for an instant, for a little while, for a short while, for the nonce Nearby words oftemporarily - temple
- tempo
- temporal
- temporarily
- temporary
- temporize
- tempt
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